The Battle for Broxhead Common

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 10
  1. 31st January 1983. When the proposal from Hampshire County Council arrived, to divert certain bridleways on Broxhead Common the response from Headley Parish Council is somewhat negative. But on:
  2. 15th July 1983, minutes of the Rights of Way Sub-Committee of HCC show that the public and press were excluded from an item on commons registration because of the confidential nature of the business involved. It is difficult to imagine how anything to do with common land could warrant such secrecy!?
    CRA Secret meeting 1983
  3. 30th January 1984, Headley Parish Council minutes again refer to their objection to the bridleway diversions, because of the unlawful fencing of the common.
  4. It later transpired that Hampshire County Council had in fact made an Order promoting the diversion of the bridleways in 1982 but it was opposed and later cancelled because of a drafting error!
  5. 6th February 1985, when queried by my Clerk as to the nature of the drafting error it appears that BW46 was shown on the plan as a footpath!
    Headley PC proposed diversion of BW’s on Broxhead Common
  6. NEXT TIME:Another Order is made in September 1987.It had to go to Public Inquiry. The Objectors were, Headley Parish Council, The British Horse Society and Mrs M. C. Comber as Chair of Kingsley Parish Council, to name but three.