The Battle for Broxhead Common

Bluebells on Baigents Hill

Bluebells on Baigents Hill

The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 130
  1. 3rd April 2009, Hampshire County Council’s objection to the Secretary of State’s Order for a bridleway between BW54 to Cradle Lane would necessitate a full Public Inquiry. The Planning Inspectorate had written to ask me if I would be prepared to take the lead.
    2009 -4-3 from Planning Inspectorate copy
  2. I readily agreed thinking it would allow me to produce the extra evidence I had accumulated and get answers to questions which were being ignored.
  3. Because I had not heard further from the County Councillor, I wrote to the Planning Inspectorate to let them know that the objection to the Order from Hampshire County Council had been made on the only decision by the Regulatory Committee in 2007. As it represented a material change to their decision it should have been returned to the Committee for reconsideration.
    It began to seem as if Democracy and Hampshire’s own Constitution were receding.
  4. 7th April 2009, the Planning Inspectorate contacted me again to ‘thank me for my response and for confirming that I was prepared to take the lead and promote the confirmation of the Order at an Inquiry’ for which they were making arrangements. They also sent me a little green booklet entitled ‘Statutory Instruments ROW Hearing and Enquiries Procedure (England) Rules, within the Guidance on Procedures for considering objections to Definitive Map and Public Path Orders November 2008.’
    2009 -4-7 from Planning Inspectorate_Page_1.
  5. On Page 14 under Procedure at the Inquiry (3) it said, “Paragraph (2) shall not preclude the addition in the course of the inquiry of other issues for consideration or preclude any person entitled or permitted to appear at the inquiry from referring to other issues which he considers to be relevant to the inquiry.”
  6. 15th April 2009, they enquired whether a suggested date would be acceptable.
  7. 28th April 2009 I was informed that the date would be Tuesday 29th September 2009.
    2009 -4-28 Planning Inspectorate to MC
Bluebells on Baigents Hill

Bluebells on Baigents Hill

Next time: Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. (Omar Khayyam).