Author Archives: admin

RDA – Cameron Branchett Special Interview

Cameron Branchett

Cameron Branchett

The Calming Effect of Horses

There are many benefits of horse riding for children with autism, autistic people see, hear and feel the world differently to other people and this can cause considerable anxiety.

The rhythmic movement experienced during horse riding has been found to calm this distress and the actual physical contact with the horse may also help to build other relationships and reduce negative reactions.

Communication and empathy may also be increased by the interaction with the horse as their excitement of riding encourages them to speak to their horse and they begin to understand that their reactions can have an impact on how the horse behaves.

Riding different horses, introducing new activities and the rotation of volunteers that help out during riding sessions can assist with the resistance to change that is often associated with autism.

Cameron Branchett has riding been since 2011. When he began to get frustrated with his progress, Malvern Riding School, an Accessibility Mark accredited centre, stepped in to help. Here his Dad, Jonathan, tells his story.

Cameron’s Story

Cameron was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in December 2006. In 2011, after discovering that the rocking motion on the pelvis when riding a horse released oxytocin that can help calm people, Cameron tried his first riding lesson.

The effect on him was immediate. Trying to cope in a main stream school, Cameron was showing symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome alongside his ASD. All of this stopped every time he sat on the horse.

He was hooked and we were amazed that a half hour lesson could have such a profound effect on him. They say certain animals have an affinity with humans and this is certainly the case with every horse Cameron has ridden. He forms a genuine bond with them all and they seem to instinctively understand his needs.

With ASD comes difficulties, listening to and understanding complex sets of instructions can be challenging at times. Cameron never expressed any desire to be a champion rider, or show jumper, he just enjoyed riding and trotting.

However, he began to get frustrated with his own limited progress and was starting to find the lessons troubling. In 2016, he was on the verge of giving up. That’s when we turned to Malvern Riding School. Julie and the staff there are simply wonderful.

Within a few months he had mastered his rising trot, something he had never managed in five years! He now canters and jumps with ease and he is so much more confident and enthusiastic about his riding now and determined to become as good as he can be to help him with his dream of becoming an actor.

Julie and the staff, have a way of sensing when Cameron is getting a little disengaged with his riding and quickly change the lessons to keep him interested.

The way they communicate with him really resonates and he responds well to them. The little things like stopping the horse and talking towards him rather than shouting to his back as he rides past make all the difference. They also know the best way to challenge and support him even when he doubts himself.

Accessibility Mark status is awarded to a riding centre that has been approved by the RDA following training and assessment. The close link with the RDA means that it can offer continuous support to the establishment to ensure it provides a first-class experience that aims to be hugely beneficial to riders of varying levels of disability.

There are currently 53 Accessibility Mark-approved centres across the country.

To find your nearest RDA Group or Accessibility Mark centre visit

About Accessibility Mark

In partnership with the British Equestrian Federation, the RDA launched the revolutionary Accessibility Mark scheme with the aim of getting more disabled people to participate in riding.

This project has been kindly funded by Sport England through the British Equestrian Federation.

SMS – Different Types of Martingale Special Interview

Different Types of Martingale

The Society of Master Saddlers look at the different styles of martingale available today.

Jamie -Lee Day and Hanleen DidjeridooJamie -Lee Day and Hanleen Didjeridoo

A martingale is a piece of tack which is usually used to control head carriage and act as an additional form of control. There are several different types of martingale which are used for varying reasons and are seen across several disciplines. In this feature we look at the different martingales and explain their design and uses.

The two most common types of martingale are standing and running. A standing martingale consists of a strap that attaches to the girth and runs between the horse’s front legs up to the back of the noseband. This runs through a neck strap which fastens around the neck and keeps the martingale close to the horse. This type of martingale should only be fitted to a cavesson noseband or similar and if correctly fitted, the main strap should be able to touch the throat lash when raised. It is not recommended that a standing martingale should be used for jumping as it may restrict the horse.

The running martingale attaches to the girth and then passes through the horse’s front legs before splitting into two straps with a ring on the end which the reins pass through. Martingale stops, which can be either rubber or leather, should be used on the reins between the bit rings and the rings of the martingale to prevent the martingale straps from slipping forward and interfering with the bit. The running martingale prevents the horse from raising its head above a certain point as it applies additional pressure to the reins and consequently the bars of the mouth.

If correctly fitted the ‘fork’ of the running martingale should slacken about an inch when the horse lowers it head and there should be a straight line running from the rider’s hands to the bit rings when the horse has his head in the correct position and the martingale is not acting on him. A running martingale is very popular for jumping disciplines as it gives the rider extra control without interfering unnecessarily with the horse.

The Irish martingale is not like others, but rather a semi martingale. It is simply a short leather strap with a ring at either end which the reins pass through, quite close to the bit. It is not designed as a form of control but rather to prevent the reins coming over the horse’s head in a fall. They are most commonly used in European racing.

Bolesworth Show 18.06.17  G.P. Anthony Condon on Balzac

A full list of Society of Master Saddlers members who will be able to give you help and advice and can supply ‘off the peg’ or bespoke bridlework can be found at or telephone 01449 711642.

How the Golden Rules of Feeding Aid Digestion Special Interview

How the Golden Rules of Feeding Aid Digestion

How the Golden Rules of Feeding Aid Digestion

As children we are all taught about the ‘golden rules of feeding’ but do you know why these age old guidelines that are drummed into us during Pony Club, are so important to digestive health?

Provide clean, fresh water – Water plays an essential role in digestion and is involved in most of the reactions that break down food; without adequate water, food breakdown and nutrient digestion can be compromised. It also aids the smooth passage of food and digesta through the gastrointestinal tract, such that horses with limited or restricted water intake for extended periods of time have an increased risk of developing colic.

Feed little and often – As the stomach is relatively small, horses can digest very little starch at any one time. Any excess starch that escapes digestion in the small intestine will overflow into the hindgut, particularly the caecum which can affect the microbial balance.

Feed according to work – Regardless of the workload of the horse, the diet must always start with fibre, even for competition horses that have a higher demand on their energy requirements.

How the Golden Rules of Feeding Aid Digestion

Maintain a routine – Horses are creatures of habit and any change of routine can increase stress levels that can have a negative impact on the digestive system, causing it to become disrupted.

Feed sufficient fibre – Fibre should make up at least 60% of the horses total rations and if there is insufficient fibre reaching the hindgut, this delicate microbial ecosystem can easily become upset. Providing adlib hay also relieves boredom during the winter when horses are stabled for longer and satisfies their natural desire to chew. Fibre in the form of grass or hay is vital to a healthy, efficient digestive system.

Introduce new feed gradually – the digestive system needs time to adjust to a new feed, adding a little each day to the existing feed. This rule also applies to a new batch of hay and fresh grazing. Gradual feed changes lessen the risk of digestive upset or even colic.

Feed good quality forage – the quality of the forage you buy is vital to eliminate exposure to mycotoxins. Whilst we are all aware of the risks of feeding dusty hay on the respiratory system, certain mould growth in hay and haylage can also have a negative effect on the horse’s overall wellbeing. Mycotoxins are produced by certain moulds commonly found in forage and bedding.

How the Golden Rules of Feeding Aid Digestion

Practice good hygiene – keep feed, water buckets and feed bins clean. As with feed and forage, mycotoxins can grow in contaminated, dirty bowls and feed bins that haven’t been emptied properly before being refilled.

New Forage Guard® from Alltech is a broad spectrum mycotoxin binder designed to help lessen the damaging effects of mycotoxins on performance and health.

It works to bind the mycotoxins in the gut, therefore preventing their absorption from the gut into the horse, without removing key nutrients from the diet, as can be the case with alternative clay binders.

A 5kg tub of Forage Guard® retails at £45 and contains a 100 day supply.

For further information please visit or telephone 01780 764512.

Caroline Powell Special Interview

Caroline Powell

Meet New Zealand legend Caroline Powell

Meet New Zealand legend Caroline Powell

Leading event rider, Caroline Powell, is no stranger to competing at the major Three-Day-Events around the world.

She has dedicated many years to training and competing and has had the honour of representing her country at the Olympics.

Here courtesy of her sponsor Suregrow we learn more about this well-respected rider and what her plans are for the future.

“I get as much satisfaction from bringing on young event horses as I do riding at 4 star.”

Caroline has a large team of young and up-coming horses, but probably one of her most famous horses was the gutsy grey known as Lenamore.

This special horse was a favourite among the crowds when he was out on the eventing scene with Caroline. Also known as Ed at the stables he was a real personality – quirky, tricky and had a mind of his own.

Something clicked between them and Ed had met his match as the partnership went on to do great things including a team bronze in the London 2012 Olympics.

Meet New Zealand legend Caroline Powell

Between them, the pairing also enjoyed success at seven Badminton Horse Trials and five Burghley Horse Trials including winning in 2010.

Lenamore, clearly loved his job as even at the age of 20 he was still his feisty self when he competed in the 2013 Hickstead Eventers Derby.

Overseas Caroline has accomplished a New Zealand team bronze at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky on a horse that was quite green at that level, Mac Macdonald.

A big, long striding horse that had his own style in the cross-country, this shows how talented Caroline was to get a good clear round in the course which counted to the team score.

Caroline remains as determined as ever and has a great string of horses to compete this season including On The Brash and Sergeant Crisp.

On The Brash – stable name Rufus – recently competed at Bramham International Horse Trials in the CCI4*S, with just 5.2 time faults on a day when the weather proved challenging.

Another striking grey, Sergeant Crisp also competed at Bramham, in the CCI-L4* gaining experience as he climbs the eventing ladder.

Collectively, with more than 25 Badminton, Burghley, Lumuhlen and Pau competitions under her belt, along with two World Equestrian Games and two Olympics for team New Zealand, Caroline still gets a buzz from competing at major international events while also bringing on her team of younger horses.

Said Caroline: “I get as much satisfaction from bringing on young event horses as I do riding at 4 star.

Meet New Zealand legend Caroline Powell

“Without doubt eventing brings many highs and lows but it is a great sport and when everything goes right there is nothing better than galloping across and jumping the toughest cross-country tracks in the world.”

Caroline’s Favourite Suregrow Product

Specifically formulated for use on horse and pony paddocks, Suregrow Fertiliser helps owners get the most from their grazing.

The fertiliser contains major nutrients including Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulphur which are key elements required for grass growth.

Thanks to in depth research and development Suregrow Fertiliser has also been designed to slowly release these nutrients avoiding lush grass and allowing a more sustained growth.

Meet New Zealand legend Caroline Powell

Suregrow produces thicker and denser grass sward so chokes the weeds.

Unlike other fertilisers, horses and ponies do not need to be removed from the paddock during application, which eliminates the inconvenience of moving horses around into alternative grazing.

Suregrow Fertiliser is available in 20kg bags.

To find out more about the Suregrow range please contact Suregrow on 01423 223045 or visit

Pippa Allen Special Interview

Pippa Allen

How to keep your horse straight

Pippa Allen

British Horse Feeds-sponsored show-jumper, Pippa Allen, provides advice on how to keep your horse straight.

Based in West Yorkshire, Pippa, 25, is a very talented rider who has spent two and half years in Germany riding for international showjumpers, Helena and Tim Stormanns in Eschweiler.

Says Pippa

In the show-jumping ring there may be a few obstacles where riders will approach from an angle but most require the horse to be straight to keep balance and have more success in keeping the poles in their cups.

Not only for balance, straightness is extremely important to ensure your horse maintains power on take-off to clear the fence and prepare for the next.

A common reason for horses to drift on an approach to a fence could be down to the rider’s balance. They could have more strength in one leg or even be stronger or weaker on one rein; similarly the horse could also have a weaker rein.

To combat this issue, schooling at home is a great way to perfect your straightness. Even certain flat work exercises can aid in improving balance like leg yielding. This move is good in highlighting which side is weaker.

Also riding straight lines up the three-quarter line and not sticking to the track along the fence is good practice.

When wanting to incorporate a jump into your schooling, the most common exercise used for straight lines is where the poles are placed to form a ‘V’ which guides the horse to the centre and makes the horse use his shoulders.

Pippa Allen

It is best to start with the poles forming the ‘V’ to be quite wide as you don’t want to worry your horse first time around, especially with training a young horse. Once they become familiar with the exercise, make the poles narrower.

Another tip which is heard in lessons with most instructors because we are all guilty of it sometimes is ‘Look up at where you are going’. If you are focused on what is straight ahead of you, you are more likely to stay balanced.

There are also exercises riders can do out of the saddle to help. Core stability is important because it allows you to be in control of your balance and help with communication to your horse.

Basic core exercises are extremely effective like the plank and more and more people are doing yoga and pilates which is great for strength.

For further information on British Horse Feeds visit the website at

Interview sourced from

Coralie Chung

Coralie Chung

Side Saddles – all you need to know

Master Saddler and Side Saddle Specialist, Coralie Chung, answers some frequently asked questions when it comes to the world of side saddle.

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What are the differences between the three main stirrup safety fittings?

The most important thing to consider before riding side saddle is safety. One of the foremost considerations is if the worst happens, and you fall from your horse, that you will become immediately detached and not ‘hung-up’ with a foot stuck in the iron and the stirrup fixed to the saddle. The late Victorian period began producing innovative safety designs for riders and their saddles to reduce the risk of accident and injury.

Previously to this time most side saddles had a closed roller bar fitted for the stirrup leather to pass through, so a slipper stirrup – that prevents the foot going through as closed at the front – or a collapsible stirrup iron were used.

The three most well known makers of side saddles had their own patented safety system for the stirrup attachment.

Mr Wilton (senior) of Champion and Wilton patented theirs in 1880. It is a hinged mechanism onto which the metal loop of the stirrup leather hooks. {A} It is held firmly in place by the weight of the rider’s leg on top of the leather safe. Should the rider fall, the weight is lifted and the hinge lets go, releasing the rider from the saddle.

The other two main side saddle makers were Owen and Co, who had a ‘hook on and click down ‘{B} design of safety attachment and Mayhew, where the hinged stirrup bar is straight with a wide hinged hook -over stirrup fitting {C}.

All three makers’ designs are widely used by other side saddle makers and indeed by each other as a customer could request their preference when ordering a saddle.

Because of the quick release nature of the side saddle safety features it is inadvisable to mount using the stirrup. A tall mounting block or a leg-up is always preferred.

How does fitting a side saddle differ from fitting astride?

The majority of side saddles still in use today are antiquated. They were designed and made in a time when horses were still in use as working animals. Horses then were generally leaner and travelled in straight lines.

A typical ladies mount would have been a lean thoroughbred type shape. The rider would likely have been smaller and more petite than today’s average rider. Therefore the bespoke saddles for that type of horse and rider do not always correspond with our modern warm blood, cob or native breeds which are often more heavily muscled around the shoulders, wither and back due to the rounder outlines we like to work them in.

When buying an astride saddle, the SMS Qualified Saddle Fitter would have a range of new and possibly second hand saddles from various companies (and to suit various budgets) to try on the horse in order to get the best fit for both him and his rider.

There is a huge choice of readily available modern astride saddles in all sizes for all different disciplines. They come in different colours, types of leather, knee and thigh rolls etc.

Fitting a side saddle can require a great deal of patience. Side saddles are not available in abundance. Most often they are bought and sold privately. Side saddles were made to the individual’s specifications so a prospective buyer now would need to find one that fits their body shape and is comfortable.

The next task is to see if it will fit the horse. As mentioned previously many side saddles are on the narrow side (there are of course exceptions) so some wither is essential. Side saddles are longer than astride saddles, so the horse will need good length of back.

There is limited supply of side saddles which makes finding the perfect one a complicated task and the result is often a compromise. Fitting a side saddle can therefore be a long drawn out affair.

As with fitting an astride saddle it is very important to have the side saddle checked and fitted by an expert.

Can any saddle fitter fit a side saddle?

No. Only an experienced side saddle fitter understands the dynamics involved to fit a side saddle correctly.

Fitting a side saddle is very specific and precise and completely different to fitting an astride saddle. To begin with they are usually very old and therefore a thorough safety check is needed.

This will include testing the tree for cracks or breaks. Inspection of all straps and examination of the panel. The side saddle specialist will be able to advise on the suitability of the side saddle and carry out any repairs and reflocking as necessary.

Once the side saddle has been confirmed as fit for purpose it can be fitted to the horse. Unlike the panel of the astride saddle, a side saddle is not symmetrical. The weight and balance of the rider is still spread evenly as with an astride saddle, but just over a larger bearing surface and with different balance points.

The rider has a lot of influence over the fit of the side saddle. Experienced side saddle riders are well balanced and know how to distribute their weight through the saddle.

Less experienced novice riders can inadvertently put too much pressure on the stirrup therefore unbalancing themselves and the saddle will tip to one side.

A list of side saddle specialists is available on both the Society of Master Saddlers website and the Side Saddle Association website.

For more information visit or contact The Society of Master Saddlers on 01449 711642.

Robinson Animal Healthcare – Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

Robinson Animal Healthcare – Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

While many horse owners still believe that a wound should be allowed to dry out, the opposite is now understood to be more beneficial.

Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

When the skin is damaged as a result of a wound your horse loses its first line of defence against infection. Even a small cut can quickly become infected if not cleaned and treated properly.

Robinson Animal Healthcare - Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

While many horse owners still believe that a wound should be allowed to dry out, the opposite is now understood to be more beneficial.

Wounds are able to heal quicker in a moisture controlled environment as the new epithelial cells can move around more easily, allowing the damaged tissue to repair, leading to faster healing.

The likelihood of scarring is reduced because there is no scab formation and the nerve endings are cushioned and protected by the moisture which gives relief from pain.

Wound hydrogels can both donate moisture and absorb excess exudate providing a more controlled wound environment. They also act by gently debriding wounds and rehydrating necrotic tissue which will then be removed from the wound surface.

Robinson Animal Healthcare - Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

Vetalintex® Wound Hydrogel is a must for any first aid kit. It promotes wound healing by maintaining excellent hydration for moist wound healing.

The clear, viscose starch based hydrogel has an excellent, gentle cleansing action and is easy to apply and use.

Vetalintex® is presented sterile in 15g tubes for optimum infection control and should be applied liberally before applying an appropriate secondary dressing such as Skintact®, also from Robinson Animal Healthcare.

RRP is around £4.00

Robinson Animal Healthcare has a wide range of products for all your first aid requirements.

For more information contact Robinson Animal Healthcare on 01909 735000 or visit

Robinson Animal Healthcare - Why Should You Use A Wound Hydrogel?

Laura Renwick Special Interview

Laura Renwick

Jet Setting with Laura Renwick

Robinson Animal Healthcare - Laura Renwick

As one of the leading lady showjumpers in the UK Laura Renwick is used to travelling the world and competing in some glamorous locations.

During the Springtime Laura takes her young horses as well as her seasoned campaigners over to Portugal to compete in the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour.

This provides a great warm up for her top horses ahead of the outdoor competitions in the UK and gives the future stars of her stable some valuable experience of international travel.

Laura is also a regular on the Longines Global Champions Tour that sees the world’s best showjumpers compete against the stunning backdrop of cities such as Paris, Monaco and Miami.

Here we catch up with Laura who is sponsored by Robinson Animal Healthcare to find out what it is like to compete on the international circuit.

Why do you like competing abroad?

I love competing on the international circuit because most of the show venues are of the highest standard as is the ground, course design and facilities for riders and owners. There is also more money to be won internationally.

What are the logistics of competing internationally?

All horses have to have an FEI passport then the vet has to issue health papers for travelling to foreign shows. Then you have to arrange stabling on route if it’s a long journey as well as ferry bookings!! Shelley Ashman International is the company we use to arrange all these things.

How do the horses cope with the travelling?

Most horses are used to travelling long distances and cope well but the younger ones can find it hard and get very tired. We make sure we travel with hay and also make regular stops to give water.

How long are you usually away for at any one time?

It depends – in the spring and autumn there are tours which are four to six weeks of shows in one place, other than that it is usually week by week.

What is the best and worst thing about competing abroad?

The best thing is getting to compete at some wonderful venues; the worst thing is the travelling and being away from home a lot.

Do you have a favourite international show or venue?

Dinard in France is one of my favourite venues, as is Madrid. I love to compete on grass – but Miami Beach is something else!

Tell us about the team that travel with you.

We usually just travel with one groom who looks after up to four horses, that’s the maximum you would take to a show really and he is there to care for the horses every need.

How do you think competing abroad benefits the horses?

Any experience benefits horses careers but it’s all about getting them out and seeing different things and places.

Do you get any time to enjoy the countries that you visit?

Sometimes we are lucky enough to get time to see the fabulous venues we get to go to but often it is all work!

What advice would you give to others wanting to compete internationally for the first time?

Make sure you take advice from people who have been abroad already so that you know everything you need to before you set off.

Whenever Laura and her team are travelling they make sure they have a fully stocked first aid kit. The Horse & Rider First Aid Kit from Robinson Animal Healthcare is ideal for keeping in the lorry for any unexpected injuries.

The kit contains all the necessary products to deal with minor cuts and grazes, including market leading products Animalintex®, the ONLY medicinally licensed veterinary multi-layered poultice and dressing in the UK and Veterinary Gamgee®.

Robinson Animal Healthcare has a wide range of products for all your first aid requirements.

For more information contact Robinson Animal Healthcare on 01909 735000 or visit

Interview sourced from

Harriet Morris-Baumber Special Interview

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Tackling Skinny Fences.

Harriet Morris-Baumber
Photo Credit: Iain B Photography

A skinny fence can strike fear into the hearts of some riders, and course builders love to throw in this technical challenge to test how accurate your riding is, along with your ability to keep the horse straight.

Event rider and trainer, Harriet Morris-Baumber is used to negotiating these types of fences when she is competing herself and instructs her clients on the best way to tackle skinny fences, which can be one of the most common causes of a run-out.

Skinny fences come in a variety of forms including a skinny brush, an arrowhead, a narrow fence with a ditch, a skinny after a big parallel, a skinny after a drop fence or an angled skinny and all are designed to catch you out.

Here Harriet offers her top tips to make sure you are on the right side of the flag to successfully clear the narrow obstacle and gallop away, on to the next fence.

Give your horse time to read the question.

Give your horse the maximum amount of time possible to see the fence in front by keeping in a straight line for as long as possible and approach at the appropriate speed.

By riding at a slower speed your horse will have more time to see the fence and you will have more time to react if he strays off course.

Use your legs to keep the horse straight.

As you get closer to the fence, kick with alternate legs to communicate to your horse that you need him to keep going in a straight line. Gripping or squeezing is not as effective as short sharp kicks.

Sometimes a tap on the shoulder with a whip is useful for keeping a horse straight.

“In training I often ride with a whip in each hand, so I have one on either side, helping to keep them straight and thinking forward.” added Harriet.

Harriet Morris-Baumber
Photo Credit: Iain B Photography

Keep your hands still and quiet.

A lot of riders make the mistake of desperately trying to keep their horse straight by pulling on one rein more than the other. This just decreases impulsion and confuses the horse.

The reins are ultimately the brakes, so instead of thinking backwards and straight, we need to think forwards and straight, which can only be achieved by using the legs.

“The reins should be doing very little when jumping a skinny fence, only coming into play if your horse becomes tense in the mouth, then you should use the reins to soften the contact whilst maintaining direction with your legs and or whip.” explained Harriet.

No matter what sort of skinny fence you are facing or where the skinny fence is situated on the course, the key is to stick to your system and don’t do anything radical just because it looks like more of a challenge

Harriet is available for dressage, show-jumping and cross-country lessons at her base near York.  

To find out more call Harriet on 07795 562745 or visit

Interview sourced from

Laurence Pearman Special Interview

Laurence Pearman

Twice president of Society Master Saddlers, Lecturer / Assessor on Saddle fitting courses and Master Saddler Laurence Pearman

Twice president of Society Master Saddlers, Lecturer / Assessor on Saddle fitting courses and Master Saddler Laurence Pearman answers some frequently asked questions on saddlery.

Question Could you explain the purpose of a point and balance straps?

Answer The main purpose of Point Straps is to stop forward movement of the saddle towards the shoulders.  This will happen with some horses and ponies and not others depending on their shape and conformation. 

Balance Straps are used to stop sideways movement at the back of the saddle from either to the right or left, with the aim of providing more stability.

Question  I’m going try a Cheltenham Gag on my horse; do you advise leather or rope version, and why?

Answer The Gag cheeks in leather are more traditional and look more in keeping with the leather bridle.  If these are well made and carefully maintained then the rolled cheeks will last a long time. 

The rope versions are quite often used in the Polo world and although they do not look as nice they are strong.  A word of caution – it is important to keep an eye on the ends where the rope is stitched to the leather parts as stitching can wear through.

From the leather or rope version I would personally recommend leather.

Question My saddle makes a funny noise when trotting. Is there anything I could do to eliminate or reduce this noise?

Answer If your saddle makes any noises that are not leather on leather related it is worth getting a qualified saddler to have a look.

Any more unusual noise requires the tack to be checked out by a Master Saddler as a matter of urgency to check for any potential cracking or breakage or damaged rivets in the traditional wood / metal tree .

A synthetic tree can also be cracked or broken and needs to be checked in the same way.

Question I need to purchase some new stirrup leathers and like the look of the less bulky webbers. I plan to do low key riding club events.  Would  these be suitable?

Answer The softer stitched stirrup leathers are gaining popularity as they are less bulky under the riders leg making them more comfortable.  Before purchase always check they have nylon web in the centre for strength, also keep an eye on the stitching as it can wear.

For more information visit or contact The Society of Master Saddlers on 01449 711642.  

Interview sourced from

Maria Eilberg Special Interview

Maria Eilberg

Training for Leg Yield

Maria Eilberg

Team Zebra Products dressage rider and trainer Maria Eilberg provides advice on leg yielding courtesy of her sponsors Amerigo and Sprenger.

Suppleness is a key element

When training on the flat, suppleness is a key element which should be carefully attended to and developed.  A useful exercise which can significantly help to improve suppleness is leg yield. It is the first lateral exercise that is introduced to a horse and involves working on two tracks.

Leg yield is the most basic of lateral movements and encourages looseness and flexibility across the whole of the horse’s body whilst ensuring that the rider uses the correct aids and leg positioning to influence the horse.

During leg yield, the horse steps sideways and forwards at the same time. This means that the inside hind leg steps into the tracks of the opposite front leg. The inside legs step in front of and across the outside feet and the steps should be equal and in positive forward momentum.

When training for leg yield it is important that the horse moves off the leg and learns the aid to step sideways. It is crucial that the rider positions the horse correctly to set up the leg yield. To start with turn the horse down the centre or quarter line and be sure to ride a few straight steps before turning your horses shoulders onto a diagonal line in the direction that you wish to travel.  The half halt should then be used to make the horse’s shoulders wait and the outside leg can be applied for support. Simultaneously, the inside leg should be applied slightly further back, just behind the girth and should be used to ask the horse to step sideways. The rider should sit straight and central. To clarify, the inside leg drives the sideways motion and encourages forwardness whilst the outside leg ‘guards’ When leg-yielding, the horse should be straight through the body and give a slight flexion to the inside at the poll, which is encouraged by a gentle inside rein, supported by the inside leg to outside rein connection. To finish the leg yield, the horse should be straightened, so that his hind legs and forelegs use the same track. It is important that the movement is started and finished properly so that the horse learns to be obedient and not fall sideways until he reaches the track for support.

There are different forms of leg yield which can be utilised as training progresses. These include leg yield on a circle, off a diagonal line and from line to line. Leg yield can be performed in walk, trot and canter, but should be introduced in walk to establish the correct positioning and teach the horse to accept the aids.

Leg yield is very useful for developing lateral suppleness, which will improve the horse’s way of going as well as teaching the rider to ride lateral movements correctly. When the leg yield is established, other lateral work can be introduced such as shoulder in which should be smooth as the horse has learnt to accept the aids involved.

Maria’s Product Tip

Maria Eilberg 

My favourite product of the moment is the new Amerigo Masterclass Dressage Saddle which sets a stunning trend in saddle design and technology.  The saddle combines technical excellence with a fashionable twist to celebrate the brands launch in 1998 and features the very best design with glamour and colour.  The palette of colours offers 12 different shades that go from the exclusive silver and gold, to the soft pastels and bright nuances.

For further information contact Zebra Products on (01352) 763350 or visit

Interview sourced from

Ellie Ingram Special Interview

Ellie Ingram

A Happy Ending For Rescued Shetland Pony, Pearl

A Happy Ending For Rescued Shetland Pony, Pearl

In 2013, Essex-based horse lover, Ellie Ingram, was contacted by a friend who told her she had heard about 25 Shetland ponies on their way to slaughter as they were deemed as ‘wastage’. The friend agreed to take two of the ponies and Ellie agreed to be responsible for their day-to-day care. They named the pair Pearl and Peaches.

Ellie’s friend then moved away to Wales so they decided she would take Peaches with her as a companion for her horse and Ellie agreed to keep Pearl. Ellie had recently lost her 26-year-old son in tragic circumstances and spent a lot of time helping her friend with the horses as it was a real help to her whilst she was grieving, and so Pearl became her life-saver, giving her a reason to go on. Ellie describes her as her very own ‘My Little Pony’, standing at just nine hands high, with her passport name of Banoffee reflecting her beautiful colouring of cream and white Palomino with a flaxen mane and tail.

When they first arrived, Pearl wouldn’t even go into a stable and so had to be kept in the manège. She would compete for food and hay and always had her ears back. The little Shetland had obviously been neglected for some time and had a resistant worm load and many scabs on her skin as well as being overweight.  Her hooves were cracked and splitting and she had lice. Ellie tried many different feeds which were suitable for horses and ponies prone to laminitis but had to keep adding linseed meal and supplements for Pearl’s hoof condition.

A Happy Ending For Rescued Shetland Pony, Pearl

Shetland ponies are the Labradors of the horse world and love their feed, grass and forage and Pearl was no different. Ellie was soaking her hay every day to keep her satisfied and trickle-feeding. She also used a feeding muzzle when Pearl was turned out, to slow down her grass intake. Her main problem was sourcing a suitable feed that offered palatability, digestibility and longer satisfaction without high levels of sugar and starch but she didn’t want to reduce her energy levels.

In January this year, Ellie heard about Mollichaff HoofKind Complete – a complete fibre-based feed which is low in starch and sugar and does not contain any cereals. It provides a low level but high quality protein with restricted calories and is ideal for horses and ponies prone to laminitis. Because it’s high in fibre, it takes Pearl longer to chew and so she is more satisfied. Mollichaff HoofKind Complete is exactly that – ‘complete’. It contains a broad spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement and when fed at the recommended levels, it provides all Pearl’s dietary requirements and so can be used as the sole concentrate feed alongside plenty of good quality forage.

Said Ellie: “I have noticed that since Pearl has been on Mollichaff HoofKind Complete she is more satisfied with her feed and seems to enjoy the chewing of it, rather than bolting it down. I no longer need to add any supplements and so it saves time and I am confident that Pearl is getting everything she needs for her energy without the complication of too much sugar and starch, which helps with preventing her becoming overweight and prone to laminitis.”

“She is now a very different pony to the one we rescued. Her hooves, mane and tail are in tip-top condition and her temperament is so calm. She has no stereotypies, comes to call and can be handled, groomed and plaited up by a child in safety. She is currently ridden by my eight-year-old grand-daughter and has been trained to harness as well as doing a little jumping, although as Pearl is now fifteen, this isn’t a regular activity. I hope she can go on to be a great first pony to another child as she’s now in great health and has excellent manners.”

“I would not hesitate to recommend Mollichaff HoofKind Complete as I believe it has made a real difference to Pearl and has been well-researched nutritionally to provide the perfect feed for ponies that are good doers and prone to laminitis.”

For more information please call the HorseHage Helpline on 01803 527274 or visit

Interview sourced from

Phoebe Boyce Special Interview

Phoebe Boyce

To celebrate its 50th anniversary year in 2019, Riding for the Disabled Association is marking the milestone through its 50 Faces campaign, telling the stories of some of the amazing people who make RDA the extraordinary organisation it is today..

RDA - 50t Anniversary

Designed to challenge preconceptions about disability and volunteering, and to celebrate the diversity and inclusiveness of RDA, 50 Faces features a collage of portraits, as well as the surprising and often moving stories of horse riders, carriage drivers and volunteers from all over the UK.

“A 50th anniversary could be a time for looking back, but we wanted to celebrate where we are now, as leaders in disability sport, and also look to our future – helping even more disabled people to benefit from time with horses,” says Caroline Ward, Communications Manager at RDA UK.

“50 Faces is an engaging and interactive way for people to find out more about what we do – and will hopefully inspire more people to get involved.”

Meet Phoebe Boyce

Phoebe BoycePhoebe Boyce first experienced horse riding when she was eight-years-old before she was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Due to her undiagnosed condition, Phoebe found new experiences difficult and felt miss understood.

School was also challenging for Phoebe, who would often bottle up her feelings only for them to explode at home and as she is hyper-sensitive to noises and smells, her teachers found this difficult to understand.

Phoebe, from Derbyshire and her family, including mum Abi were hugely relived when she was finally diagnosed.

A few years later Phoebe began to think about horse riding once again and discovered RDA’s website when googling about horse riding for disabled people.

In April 2017, Phoebe started riding at Scropton RDA Group. Her first lesson was a group ride, where she was led by a volunteer so they could assess how capable she was.

Phoebe progressed really quickly and widened her knowledge by reading books and watching You Tube videos in her spare time away from the stables.

After a few months of riding, even though she is allergic to horses Phoebe joined the stable club and started volunteering on a Saturday morning, helping out with the other children and looking after the horses, which boosted her confidence and helped her make new friends.

She is now a member of the Scropton RDA Team and participates in showjumping and dressage, qualifying for the RDA National Championships in 2018, where she finished 7th in her showjumping category.

Phoebe said: “The thing about RDA that makes me keep coming back is the feeling of a community and being a part of something. The staff and volunteers are all so kind and I love the thrill of horse riding and learning new things. Also, I have made lots of new friends.

“Being part of RDA helps me in other aspects of my life as it gives me something to look forward to during the week and I have gained so much confidence with meeting new people and being more independent.

RDA - 50t Anniversary

“I feel I challenge misconceptions about disability because many people don’t realise I actually have a disability, as it’s invisible. RDA treat me the same as everyone else, I get the support and help I need to improve my riding and I feel included, unlike at other places where I feel like an outsider.

“Many people with autism find it hard to socialise, and although I also have these difficulties I still enjoy volunteering and meeting and helping all the riders.”

Phoebe’s mum, Abi is incredibly proud of her achievements: “It is nice for Phoebe to do something independently without me around. When she started volunteering, I could drop her off and then come back later.

“To be able to leave her somewhere she is safe and happy is wonderful. She has made new friends and even researched and found the 50 Faces campaign herself and wanted to be included.”

You can read Phoebe’s story, and meet the other 49 Faces of RDA at 

Interview sourced from

Willa Newton Special Interview

Willa Newton

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Leading event rider

Willa Newton

Leading event rider Willa Newton has had a year to remember with two top-10 finishes at four star level.  Here we find out 10 things you didn’t know about the Amerigo-sponsored rider.

1.    Willa’s father Joey was a top amateur jockey, having won the Aintree Foxhunters twice.

2.    Willa’s sister Chloe also evented up to four star level before opting for a career change.

3.    Willa graduated from University in 2012 with a degree in Business Management.

4.    Neelix was one of the few horses to have taken a rider from Pony Club to 4 star level.  He took Willa to Team Gold at the Junior Europeans in 2008 and together they represented Great Britain at three consecutive Young Rider European Championships, winning Team Gold and Individual Silver at Blair Castle in 2011.

5.    At 28-years-old, Willa is one of the most talented young riders to emerge in the sport of eventing. As at the start of the 2018 season, she was the youngest British female rider in the World’s Top 35 Event Riders. 

6.    Willa broke her collar bone at the beginning of July last year, but was able to get back riding within 6 weeks, in time to finish 8th at Burghley, thanks to the specialist rehab support at the Injured Jockey Fund’s Jack Berry House in Malton, Yorks.

7.    She has notched up two top-10 finishes at CCI4* level this year, finishing fifth at Luhmuhlen and eighth at Burghley with Chance Remark.

8.    Janet Willis is Willa’s Head Groom and ‘secret weapon’.  Janet has been working with the Newton family before Willa was even born. In 2018 her hard work and dedication was deservedly rewarded when she took home the Burghley Groom’s award and the Haddon Training Groom of the Year 2016. 

9.    Willa is looking to expand her string for the 2019 season and would love to talk to new owners interested to join her ambitious, experienced and friendly team based in Stonesby Leicestershire.  

10. Willa is now supported by Amerigo Saddles and rides in a DJ Jump and Classic Siena Dressage.

Willa Newton

For more information on Zebra Products please visit

Willa Newton

Interview sourced from

Robinson’s Summer Healthcare Special Interview

Robinson’s Summer Healthcare

First Aid Advice for Summer

Robinson Animal Healthcare - First Aid Advice for Summer
F is for flies

Most horse owners can’t wait for summer, the long leisurely rides, light nights and weekends competing are the reason why we have a horse. To ensure you make the most of the best months of the year, follow a few simple rules to help prevent injuries and ailments and stop them from ruining your summer.

F is for flies

These pesky insects can cause your horse a great deal of distress during the summer months. Ensure your horse is protected by using a suitable fly repellent as well as a fly fringe and possibly a fly rug. Following exercise always wash off dried sweat as this will attract flies and can cause irritation. Activ Scrub from Robinson Animal Healthcare is an antibacterial scrub and cleansing wash that is ideal for removing sweat and dirt and can be used every day.

I is for infection

It is vital to quickly clean a wound, even minor ones, to avoid the risk of infection. When the skin is damaged it loses its first line of defence against infection, which can take hold in as little as six to eight hours.

R is for Robinson Animal Healthcare

The leading manufacturer of animal first aid and wound care products. Their product range caters for all your first aid requirements.

Robinson Animal Healthcare - First Aid Advice for Summer
S is for sunburn

S is for sunburn

Any horse that has non-pigmented, pink skinned areas of the body, such as the muzzle, around the eyes and on the heels is susceptible to sunburn. Sunburnt skin is prone to becoming sore and infected, so apply a sunscreen to protect these exposed areas.

T is for tetanus

Some wounds such as puncture wounds provide an ideal breeding ground for tetanus to flourish undetected, so it is vital to make sure your horse is protected by keeping up-to-date with vaccinations.

A is Animalintex®

This should be the number one product in your first aid kit as it can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments effectively. It is the only VMD-licensed, multi-layered, absorbent poultice available in the UK. Available in standard and pre-cut, hoof shaped poultices, Animalintex® is ideal for the summer months when the ground can become baked and hard, leading to bruising and soreness of the hoof.

I is for injury

Horses can be accident prone creatures, so keep your Horse & Rider First Aid Kit at hand to treat any minor cuts and grazes this summer.

D is for dehydration

Always make sure your horse has a fresh, clean supply of water when he is in the stable or field to avoid dehydration and to keep the body functioning at an optimum level.

Robinson Animal Healthcare has a wide range of products for all your first aid requirements.

For more information contact Robinson Animal Healthcare on 01909 735000 or visit

Interview sourced from

The British Palomino Society Special Interview

The British Palomino Society

The Cream Gene 

The British Palomino Society

What makes Palomino and Cream Dilute horses and ponies so truly striking and totally unique to the average bay, black, chestnut or grey.

Ever wondered what causes the change? It’s all down to the genes and in this issue. 

The British Palomino Society exclusively breaks down the process.

A Look into the Cream Gene with the British Palomino Society

Firstly any horse or pony that isn’t black, chestnut or bay has had a genetic mutation that has acted in diluting the horse’s coat, hence where the meaning came from, dilute.

The mutations start in the MATP segment of the gene within the DNA and will affect the coat, skin and eye colours by lightening them.

There are a number of these mutations, but the cream dilute is regarded as the most popular and affects black and red pigments in the skin.

Other mutations include champagne dilution, dun dilution, pearl dilution, silver dilution and grey.

Alleles are described as different versions of the same gene and if a horse carries the Cream Dilute gene it is abbreviated CR and in its recessive non-cream form it is written ‘cr’.

The British Palomino Society

Single Dilute is where the horse or pony carries one copy of the cream gene and is also known as heterozygous. This term means that within the pair, a certain gene will carry two different alleles (CRcr) – one pair of genes contains one dominant and one recessive gene.

A buckskin horse is where a bay horse has a single copy of cream. A palomino is a chestnut or sorrel with a single cream gene and a smokey black is black with a single cream gene.

So this mutation dilutes red pigments to yellow and gold and can affect the mane and tail mostly.

Other horses may be homozygous for a type of gene where they carry two copies of the same allele (CRCR), also known as double dilutes.

Unlike the single dilute, the mutation will affect both the red and black pigments. Still turning the red to yellow and gold, but also turning the black to red.

In this instance a bay horse with the two copies of the cream gene are called perlino, a black horse with the two copies is known as smoky cream and a sorrel or chestnut horse carrying two copies is known as the cremello.

The double dilute gene can also mean that the horse’s eye colour will turn blue. Blue eyes can also be inherited from other colours, for example the splash gene on a cream coat can result in a palomino with blue eyes however this is only considered a cream dilute. Again a palomino and white tobiano or overo can have blue eyes, but is a cream dilute, not a palomino. We also see this effect when we introduce cream and champagne etc.

Double dilutes will pass down the cream gene whereas the single dilutes have a 50% chance of them not being handed down to the offspring.

It’s no wonder these beautiful horses and ponies are so admired and here at The British Palomino Society we want to celebrate these beautiful shades.

Members of the society have access to register their palominos or cream dilutes and apply for a passport if one is required. For those who already have a passport, the society can over stamp the existing passport.

With a community feel, The British Palomino Society also makes it easy for breeders and owners to come together and offer help and advice.

And it doesn’t stop there – affiliated classes for members are run nationwide plus three championship shows run by the society including the BPS National Championships, held on July 13 – 14, 2019.

For further information on The British Palomino Society visit the website

Interview sourced from

The Search for the Bespoke Dressage Saddle Special Interview

The Society of Master Saddlers

The Search for the Bespoke Dressage Saddle

The Search for the Bespoke Dressage Saddle


Another key essential is that the saddle should be fitted by a Society of Master Saddlers’ Qualified Saddle Fitter to ensure the fit is perfect and the horse is truly comfortable and can perform at its best whether training at home or out competing at the highest level.

The bespoke, luxury dressage saddle will be designed and made to exacting standards following consultation with your Qualified Saddle Fitter and after discussions about your individual requirements and what helps you to ride at your best.

All riders have their own needs, likes and dislikes and through the process you will be able to decide on personal choice to give you the bespoke saddle you are looking for and what is best for your horse’s requirements as well.

It is important that the dressage saddle fits horse and rider perfectly.  If the saddle rolls to one side or pinches the horse’s back, the horse will never be able to work or move well, however skilled his training.

If the saddle is uncomfortable, there are times when a horse will simply stop working altogether and in the long run a saddle that does not fit will lead to soreness and injury.

A dressage saddle is designed with a long and straight saddle flap, which mirrors the leg of the dressage rider.  They also have a deep seat and knee blocks that are usually pronounced.  This helps prevent the riders’ leg from coming too far forward.

The Search for the Bespoke Dressage Saddle

The dressage saddle has been designed with a longer stirrup as well as longer and straighter saddle flaps.  It has a higher cantle and pommel to help encourage the rider to have a deeper seat.

A dressage saddle is designed to allow the very best communication with the horse by placing the rider in the centre of gravity, providing a sufficiently deep seat to feel secure but still be able to absorb the horse’s movement and by placing their leg long and relaxed to enable the appliance of a minimum of aids.

The dressage saddle should encourage a good position without being restrictive.  On a dressage saddle the stirrup bars are set further back to encourage a longer, straighter leg position.

Most dressage saddles have long girth straps and a short girth; this allows the rider to maintain closer contact with their legs and give clear but minimal signals.

The stuffing of the panels of a dressage saddle is often kept to a minimum to allow a closer feel to the horse.

When fitting a dressage saddle they are often easier to fit than jumping or general purpose saddles due to the panel and flaps generally sitting behind the shoulder and not impeding the movement.

To find out more information on The Society of Master Saddlers and to find your nearest Registered Qualified Saddle Fitter visit or contact on 01449 711642.

Interview sourced from

Keeping Saddlery on the Best of Health Special Interview

The Society of Master Saddlers

Keeping Saddlery in the Best of Health

The Society of Master Saddlers look at spotting wear and tear in your saddlery and making sure your tack is in the best repair.

How many of you have been trotting along and found your leg suddenly drop due to a broken stirrup leather?

Accidents happen at the best of times with a sudden spook from your horse or a refusal at a jump but when tack fails there is often a reason!

Saddle Safety Checks

When looking at saddle safety three areas to consider are regular checks to ensure correct fit, good and thorough cleaning and checks for safety and repair.

When cleaning saddles and bridles this is the ideal time to check for any loose stitching or corrosion and it is important to get weaknesses mended, stitched and repaired immediately.

It is all too easy to be riding along and for a stirrup leather to break or become totally unstitched at the buckle but all can be prevented if checks are carried out and become part of the process for ensuring tack is safe and kept in the very best shape.

It’s surprising how many owners notice a rug getting tighter but the fact that the saddle no longer fits well completely escapes them. This is why it is very important to get saddles checked regularly.

Saddle fitting checks are an important part of horse care. Yes, they cost money. And yes, occasionally the saddle fitter may need to return quite quickly because the horse has changed shape so rapidly. This isn’t an unnecessary expense it is vital to make sure your horse is comfortable.

A saddle that is too narrow and is pinching and exerting other unwanted pressure – or too wide and pressing down and restricting the horse’s ability to use himself correctly – can result in welfare, veterinary, behavioural and performance problems. Overcoming the resulting problems could be expensive in terms of veterinary, schooling and other professional services. Meanwhile the horse has suffered totally unnecessarily.

Use the services of a Society of Master Saddlers’ qualified saddle fitter to undertake fitting checks regularly. Always have a new saddle fitted and recognise that it is at least equally importance to have a second-hand saddle fitted. SMS saddle fitters have a comprehensive knowledge of saddle brands and designs. They are aware of the rules and regulations applicable to tack and equipment used in all the equestrian disciplines and sports, and offer advice and professional services.

Mud, rain, wind and cold temperatures, our horses’ tack goes through a lot during the winter months battling the elements, not to mention the sweat produced by the horse during hard work or a morning’s hunting.

Quality leather tack is designed to withstand a lot, but with daily use the leather and stitching can become damaged, so time spent cleaning our tack is a good opportunity to inspect for wear and tear.

Very often in winter we are all guilty of cutting corners to get in a quick ride during daylight hours but with a bit of care and attention it is possible to keep our tack clean, after all, for many it has been a serious investment.

Ideally we should all clean our tack and wash off the bit every time we ride wiping off mud and grease with a damp sponge before using saddle soap taking care to make sure the underside is cleaned as well.

As often as possible give the bridle a thorough clean by completely dismantling it, cleaning and inspecting each individual piece of the bridle, taking the opportunity to also check for worn stitching

To prolong the life of your leather work, cleaning your tack should be a regular part of your routine, not only could it prevent an accident it could also save you money.

To find out more information on The Society of Master Saddlers and to find your nearest Registered Qualified Saddle Fitter visit or contact on 01449 711642.

Interview sourced from

Horsey Interviews 2019

Horsey Interviews 2019 Special Interview New Year Riding Resolutions - Setting Achievable Goals Event rider and trainer Harriet Morris-Baumber offers advice on setting goals that are achievable. Whatever your resolution or goal seeing it through is all about making sure they are achievable in the first place. This is not to say that you shouldn’t push yourself out of your comfort ...
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Pelham Copper Ball Special Interview Pieces about Bits Designed and produced by highly skilled craftsmen, every bit is individually handmade and can be customised to suit your requirements. The possibilities are endless, even for traditional bits, as they can be lightweight, normal weight or made with a variety of mouth and cheek pieces. Bitting experts, Abbey England, make thousands of bits in ...
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Stabled or Living Out – What’s Best for Digestive Health? Special Interview Winters Coming Stabled or Living Out – What’s Best for Digestive Health? Stabled or living out during winter is a continuous issue that divides opinion but what is best for your horses’ digestive health? First and foremost, it is important to recognise that not all horses are the same and what is right for one is not ...
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Society of Master Saddlers Special Interview Give your tack a Christmas treat. Take care of it The Society of Master Saddlers advice on tack care and maintenance to help ensure your tack lasts and stands the test of time. Good quality, handcrafted saddlery can last for years but only if carefully maintained and looked after. When using saddles and bridles on a daily ...
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RDA - Riding for Disabled Special Interview What Riding For The Disabled Association Means To Me 2019 has been a very special year for Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and throughout this anniversary year the 50 Faces campaign has been highlighting the amazing people that make the organisation so diverse and inspiring. As the year draws to a close we decided to catch ...
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Read More Special Interview Phoebe Boyce To celebrate its 50th anniversary year in 2019, Riding for the Disabled Association is marking the milestone through its 50 Faces campaign, telling the stories of some of the amazing people who make RDA the extraordinary organisation it is today.. Designed to challenge preconceptions about disability and volunteering, and to celebrate the diversity and ...
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Read More Special Interview Robinson's Summer Healthcare First Aid Advice for Summer F is for flies Most horse owners can't wait for summer, the long leisurely rides, light nights and weekends competing are the reason why we have a horse. To ensure you make the most of the best months of the year, follow a few simple rules to help ...
Read More Special Interview The British Palomino Society The Cream Gene What makes Palomino and Cream Dilute horses and ponies so truly striking and totally unique to the average bay, black, chestnut or grey. Ever wondered what causes the change? It's all down to the genes and in this issue. The British Palomino Society exclusively breaks down the process. A ...
Read More Special Interview The Society of Master Saddlers The Search for the Bespoke Dressage Saddle Another key essential is that the saddle should be fitted by a Society of Master Saddlers' Qualified Saddle Fitter to ensure the fit is perfect and the horse is truly comfortable and can perform at its best whether training at home or out competing ...
Read More Special Interview The Society of Master Saddlers Keeping Saddlery in the Best of Health The Society of Master Saddlers look at spotting wear and tear in your saddlery and making sure your tack is in the best repair. How many of you have been trotting along and found your leg suddenly drop due to a broken stirrup leather? ...
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Horsey Interviews 2018

Horsey Interviews 2018

Dr Sue Dyson

Dr Sue DysonThe influence of rider size and saddle fit on equine gait, behaviour, response to thoracolumbar palpation and thoracolumbar dimensions builds on previous work that has shown high rider: horse bodyweight ratios, or a tall heavy rider in a saddle which is too small, can cause temporary lameness and discomfort.


TopSpec - Winter Feeding AdviceTopSpec Electrolytes are designed to help compensate for electrolyte loss after heavy sweating. This new additive has a high salt formula, contains wildberry to aid palatability and is recommended by equine veterinary practices and independent nutritionists.


In a recent survey of UK horse owners, carers and yard managers, supported by SPILLERS® in collaboration with the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), three quarters of respondents said they believe that scientific research has positive impact on horse welfare, yet most find the science difficult to understand and act upon.

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberRiding in the dark, wearing numerous layers of clothing to protect against the cold and trying to look after your horse when riding in muddy conditions – winter is not the best time to own a horse. So, should you consider giving your horse a winter break?

Alltech ® – Signs of Old Age

Alltech ® - Signs of Old AgeA horse or pony would normally be classed as a veteran once they reach the age of 15, however with advances in veterinary care and better education, horses and particularly ponies are living much healthier, active lives well beyond this milestone…..

Grove House Stables – Andrew Stennett

Grove House StablesIf you learned to ride as a child you will no doubt have some amazing memories to treasure and if you have children that are interested in learning to ride, your local riding school is the best place to start. Grove House Stables is eagerly anticipating the Christmas holidays, with a packed schedule of activities to keep any pony mad youngster entertained.

Redwings – Colic: Reduce the risk!

Redwings - Colic: Reduce the risk!Redwings’ vet and experienced colic surgeon Nicky Jarvis gives us a fascinating guided tour of a horse’s digestive tract in this short film. Nicky demonstrates some of the causes of serious colic, and shows us just what an epic journey it is from one end of the horse to the other!

Caroline Powell

SureGrow - Caroline PowellWe talk to Caroline Powell about introducing your youngster to water. Sponsored by Suregrow, Caroline covers the topics on the how to handle the initial experiences with water, stepping out of the water and jumping into the water.. ……….


TopSpec - Winter Feeding AdviceWinter Feeding Advice – During winter, when grazing is in limited supply, frozen or covered by snow, it is important to provide alternative sources of fibre (e.g. hay, haylage or chop) to aid digestion and keep the hindgut working efficiently.

Sophie Wells

Robinson Animal HealthcareRobinson Animal Healthcare catches up with their sponsored rider, double gold medal winner Sophie Wells, following a phenomenal World Equestrian Games.

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareBeing prepared for the vet’s arrival will make the experience a lot easier for everyone involved, including your horse. The vet’s time is valuable but this is also your opportunity to address any minor niggles, particularly if it is an annual routine visit. 

Society of Master Saddlers’ Security in the Saddle’

Society of Master Saddlers' Security in the Saddle'The key to success whether competing at a local or international level, is making sure you have the right saddle that fits the horse and is comfortable for the rider.  A jumping saddle has been specifically designed to provide a close contact fit to help the rider sit close to the horse and with their weight balanced………

Nina Barbour

Nina BarbourHere we talk to Nina Barbour, president and founder of both the Liverpool International Horse Show and the Equerry Bolesworth International Horse Show about her recent success at the Longines Global Champions Tour London………..

Caroline Powell

SureGrow - Caroline PowellSuregrow sponsored rider Caroline Powell guides us through walking a cross-country course with tips and advice on how she prepares to tackle tracks at all levels. ……….


SureGrowPaddocks all over the country are definitely suffering from the recent dry, hot weather resulting in sparse, burnt out brown fields which are normally fields of luscious, bright green grass at this time of year. Here are five top tips on what to consider during the dry spell……….

Andrew Stennett

Andrew StennettBritish Equestrian Federation Elite Recreational Coach, Andrew Stennett, provides advice on how to get the most from your riding lesson. When you spend all week looking forward to your riding lesson you want to make sure you make the most of every minute in the saddle………

Society of Master Saddlers’ National Competition

Society of Master Saddlers' National CompetitionMaster Saddler Chris Taylor will take up the reins as President at this year’s Annual General Meeting in September and has come up with the concept of entrants designing and making any leather item incorporating traditional hand stitched Box Work techniques……..

Robert Whitaker

Robert Whitaker Leading British rider Robert Whitaker has six European team gold medals and an individual bronze at European pony, junior and young rider championships. He has also represented his country on senior Nations Cup teams on more than 25 occasions….

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberWhether jumping at the highest level or working towards your first competition, there are certain key things to remember to ensure you stand a good chance of a clear round.

Event rider and trainer, Harriet Morris-Baumber, relies on a few golden rules when jumping both in the show-jumping arena and when riding cross-country…

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareAfter the relatively dry weather we have experienced recently, the ground in my area has become quite hard. How can I ensure that the ground conditions do not have a damaging effect on my horse’s legs?

Kevin McNab

Kevin McNab With his vast wealth of skill and knowledge, having produced top class event horses to 4 Star level for many years, leading event rider Kevin McNab is seeking new horses and owners to join the team………..

The importance of a well fitting bridle

The importance of a well fitting bridleAs we all know, tack can lead to success or failure, whether from the point of view of aesthetics, fit or safety. A well selected, correctly fitting bridle can enhance the best points of a horse’s head and help to disguise the less fortunate. …….

The British Palomino Society

The British Palomino SocietyDoyou love showing and have a Palomino horse or pony? Ever wanted to know what judges look for when you are in the ring?  Here we talk to BPS Chairman and judge Colin Bramley-Robins on what he looks for in the showing world……….

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberHarriet Morris-Baumber takes a look at what to consider when finding a trainer and what to look for to get the best possible outcome to suit your individual needs……….

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberWould you like to be part of a team, supporting talented up and coming event horses?  Now, is the ideal time to join the ‘Made in Yorkshire’ syndicate, the brain child of event rider and trainer, Harriet Morris-Baumber………

The British Palomino Society

The British Palomino SocietyThe British Palomino Society is a small organisation, run by hard-working volunteers all with a passion to encourage and assist the advancement of Palominos and all Cream Dilutes with their showing and breeding here in the UK ………

Dr Sue Dyson

Dr Sue Dyson“Blaming the horse for the problem is a common scenario,” says world-renowned equine orthopaedics expert, Dr. Sue Dyson, Head of Clinical Orthopaedics at the Centre for Equine Studies at the Animal Health Trust in Newmarket, UK ………

Redwings – Abandonment and fly-grazing

Redwings - Abandonment and fly-grazingThe Control of Horses Act 2015 provides an amendment to the Animals Act 1971 and allows for tighter controls on the illegal grazing of horses (fly-grazing) and abandonment.

This guidance is designed to help anyone who finds an abandoned or fly-grazing horse in England………

Kimblewick Equestrian Centre

Kimblewick Equestrian CentreBased in Norfolkthe centre is set to mark its 20th Anniversary, with a day of special events planned for Sunday, July 1st. The centre was founded by the Moore family in 1998 and is now one of the oldest and most respected riding schools in Dereham and the surrounding area………

Louisa Milne-Home

Louisa Milne-HomeRobinson Animal Healthcare-sponsored rider Louisa Milne-Home chats about her passion for eventing and life on her yard in Scotland. ……..

Pevlings Farm Riding Stable

Pevlings Farm Riding StableThanks to its Accessibility Mark accreditation, Pevlings Farm Riding Stables, based in Templecombe, hopes to accommodate more disabled participants after successfully completing the training and criteria set out by the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA)……..

Different Types of Martingale

Different Types of MartingaleA martingale is a piece of tack which is usually used to control head carriage and act as an additional form of control.  There are several different types of martingale which are used for varying reasons and are seen across several disciplines…….

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberClinics offer a great opportunity to get out and about with your horse, ride in a different environment, learn new training techniques and use facilities you may not have access to every day………

Grubbs – Spring Clean

Grubbs - Spring CleanWith winter finally behind us it is an ideal opportunity to completely blitz your tack room, feed store, barn, rug racks and stables by giving them a good clean and sort out to prepare you for the joys of summer………..

Rebecca Jago

Rebecca JagoRebecca Jago and her dun Appaloosa X Warmblood mare ‘Rowesbrook Indiana’ are a match made in heaven competing in everything from Riding Club competitions to showing, dressage to music and British Eventing……….

Abbey England

Abbey EnglandAbbey England has been supplying quality leather to saddlers and other equestrian manufacturers since 1982. Here the company gives us some expert advice on how to look after our leather boots, ready for the season ahead………

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareMost horse owners will, at some point find themselves in a situation where their horse has injured itself.  Faced with a nasty looking wound, the primary concern is to clean the wound to prevent infection taking hold……..

John – One man and his horse

John - One man and his horseJohn lives the life of a nomad, travelling the country in his wagon pulled by his horse, Barney. He rejected the “rat race” when he was 16, and is still living the life 24 years later…………

Dr Tom Shurlock

Dr Tom ShurlockLaminitis develops in a number of phases. Symptoms such as hot hooves, physical damage such as white line and bruising etc. can appear at any time, depending on the underlying cause. Regular checks will help keep on top of the condition………..

Stable Shield

Stable ShieldKeeping your horses stable in good repair is essential in order to ensure their health and safety as there are multiple micro-organisms that will live in a stable environment, dependent on the conditions……….

Eventing for Novices – Do I Need More Than One Saddle?

Eventing for Novices – Do I Need More Than One Saddle?The Society of Master Saddles provides advice on whether, for the sport of eventing a dressage and jumping saddle are required or if a general purpose is the preferred
option ………….?

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareI have just bought my first horse and would like to build up a first aid kit to keep on the yard for emergencies. Can you recommend what products I should include? A Q&A from RAHC on items a first time horse owner should include in a first aid kit…….

Saddles for Eventing – Working with Your Saddle Fitter!

Saddles for Eventing – What's the Score!Developing a solid working relationship with your local Society of Master Saddlers Registered Qualified Saddle Fitter is a great way to ensure you have access to regular advice and support ………….

Horsey Interviews 2017

Lifeforce – Alltech

AlltechFor some horses the winter months can mean limited turnout which can result in an increase in stress. Naturally horses evolved to spend hours leisurely grazing, in the company of other horses in their herd……………

Laura Robinson

Laura RobinsonNorthallerton-based Laura is no stranger to success having represented Great Britain on several occasions. Laura finished her Young Rider days on a championship high in 2016 when competing for Team GB. Her North Yorkshire yard includes a team of horses that Laura is now competing across Europe. …………

Andrew Howard

Andrew HowardGrowing up in Thorne, South Yorkshire, he has always been a creative person claiming it is fundamental to who he is. Here we find out 10 things you didn’t know about Andrew Howard…………

Mr Williams – The Perfect Horse

Mr Williams - The Perfect HorseAmechanical horse named after Robbie Williams is providing a stepping stone for disabled riders to achieve their goal of riding a real horse………..

Paul Jepson

The HMB Super SyndicateRoR’s Welfare Consultant, Paul Jepson, describes his role in ensuring that racehorses continue to receive the best care once they bow out of their racing career……….

The HMB Super Syndicate

The HMB Super SyndicateHere we find out what it means to be part of the HMB Super Syndicate, a concept devised by event rider Harriet Morris-Baumber and what current members, Angie Newman and Dave Blakley have gained from their personal experiences so far………

Marksway HorseHage

Marksway HorseHageFeeding our horses to keep them in the best possible condition can cause a headache for many of us, especially over the colder months if we have a picky horse or one with a poor appetite……..

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareCombating common winter ailments can be a challenge due to the adverse and changeable conditions representative of a UK winter. Ensuring your first aid kit is fully stocked with the most appropriate products can help ease winter worries……

Lifeforce – Alltech

AlltechAs we stare into the depths of winter, our horses will be spending longer periods in the stable with limited access to grazing, if any. Any grazing that is still readily available will have little or no nutritional value to most horses. ……………

Sara Squires

Sara SquiresBlack Country Saddles sponsored event rider, Sara Squires offers some useful advice on ensuring your horse is responsive and reacts positively, no matter what the situation. Sharpening Your Horse’s Focus ……………

Harriet Morris-Baumber

Harriet Morris-BaumberWe talk to event rider Harriet Morris-Baumber about her many achievements and her busy life with her team of horses ……………


RDAHere with the help of Accessibility Mark we take a look at some of the specialist equipment commercial riding centres use when providing lessons for disabled riders…………..

Katie Stephens-Grandy

Katie Stephens-GrandyShe is from a farming family based on the Wolds, where she breeds and produces her own event horses and buys in very green three and four-year olds and is busy producing top quality young horses for her chosen sport, eventing …………..

Gary Foggon

Gary FoggonGary has up to six horses on his yard at any one time so good management is vital to make sure all the horses receive the required level of work and training they need to compete at the top level. He provides advice on exercises to get the dressage horse fit and the schooling routines he has developed…………..

Kevin and Emma McNab

Kevin and Emma McNabInternational event riders Kevin and Emma McNab have a string of horses competing regularly which requires a lot of planning and good organisation, from deciding which classes to enter to the actual day at the competition ………

David Jeffreys

David JeffreysDavid Jeffreys of Stable Shield provides some valuable tips and advice. With more than 10 years working in National Hunt Racing, David Jeffreys became increasingly aware of the need to keep yards and stables spotlessly clean and disease free ………

Lara Edwards

Lara EdwardsDressage rider Lara Dyson has just launched Lara Edwards Dressage.  Having been married for two years to husband, Gary, and having enjoyed a year with their daughter, Annabelle the time felt right to rebrand to reflect the change in circumstances………

Lara Edwards

Lara EdwardsEight-year-old Felix was enjoying the spring sunshine when he rolled too close to the metal estate fencing, getting his leg stuck. As he pulled himself free the result was a nasty wound to his lower leg below the knee ……..

Jo Bates

Jo BatesBlack Country Saddles sponsored rider and producer Jo Bates has a particularly interesting life story behind her amazing success. Jo was a popular winner of the Hack Championship at this year’s Royal International Horse Show with Suzannah Welby’s Large Hack, Elusive ……..

Laura Renwick

Laura RenwickAs one of the country’s leading lady showjumpers, Laura Renwick is known for forming great partnerships with her horses. This unbreakable bond of trust with her horses has helped Laura to the top of her sport ……..

Laurence Pearman

Laurence PearmanLaurence Pearman, twice president of Society Master Saddlers, Lecturer / Assessor on Saddle fitting courses and Master Saddler, answers questions…….

Simon Reynolds

Simon ReynoldsBlack Country Saddles sponsored Simon Reynolds is thriving on success again this season after finishing on a high note at Royal Windsor Horse Show in May when Morrows Marksman (Bentley) topped the open heavyweight cob line-up…….

Lissa Green

Lissa GreenAfter her debut at her first Badminton Horse Trials, Lissa Green is on a high and has much planned for this season. Here she teams up with leading performance footwear manufacturer, Grub’s, and gives some advice on how to introduce a young horse to cross country.

Keeping Horses Hydrated In The Heat

Keeping Horses Hydrated In The HeatWorld Horse Welfare’s Top Tips For Keeping Horses Hydrated In The Heat.
This summer, temperatures have already soared into the high twenties. If you are considering travelling your horse for any reason, read up on our top tips

Black Country – Saddles for all

Black Country - Saddles for allLooking for a saddle designed and manufactured to the highest specification and with the latest technology? The Black Country Saddles Jumping range offers you the support where you need it, providing the ultimate in performance.

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareWe spend most of the year longing for the summer to arrive but the long hot days also create a whole new set of health issues for our horses and ponies. Here we take a look at a few common ailments that are more prevalent in the summer and how to keep your horse comfortable when the heat starts to rise.

Gary Foggon

Gary FoggonAlthough you may encounter issues when training a young horse, be patient and work through each concern logically. With dedication and determination, specific exercises will help to correct individual problems along the way. ………….

Hazel Morley

Hazel MorleyMy horse is quite prone to losing weight, which means my saddle needs re-flocking regularly. Are there any simple checks I can do between saddler’s visits to know whether the saddle fit is OK, or needs looking at urgently? ………….

Jan Ruth

Jan RuthThe real story began at school, with prizes for short stories and poetry. But she failed all things mathematical and scientific, and to this day struggles to make sense of anything numerical ………….

Animal Health Trust

Animal Health TrustIS YOUR HORSE NAUGHTY OR IS HE IN PAIN? THE ANSWER IS WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS FACE…  Facial expressions research at the Animal Health Trust will help vets and owners recognise pain in ridden horses before it’s too late ………….

Jamie Williams

Jamie WilliamsTEAM GBR Para-Equestrian carriage driver Jamie Williams helped to launch the new Avant hand-driven tool carriers at Naidex 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham ……….

Richard Davidson

Richard DavidsonWith international dressage set to grace the stage at this year’s Equerry Bolesworth International Horse Show – June 14 to 18 – here we talk to dressage consultant and Olympic-ace Richard Davison about these exciting new developments ……….

Sue Dyson

Sue DysonSue has dedicated 35 years to treating hundreds of patients each year in the clinic, as well as advancing the knowledge and techniques in equine medicine through her pioneering research ………….

Saddles for Eventing – What’s the Score!

Saddles for Eventing – What's the Score!It has to be said that Eventing can be more expensive than other disciplines in relation to tack and equipment because, ideally, most riders would prefer to have specialist saddles and bridles for each phase ………….

Yasmin Paterson

Yasmin PatersonTendon injuries are common in racing and sport horses and can result in a shortened, or even end a career. These injuries heal through the formation of scar tissue instead of normal tendon tissue and so are at a high risk of re-injury ………….

Kerrilee Wilson

Kerrilee WilsonIt was celebrations all round for Kerrilee Wilson and Maddigen, as they were crowned Olympia Supreme Senior Champions 2016. Maddigen is a pure bred Irish draft, bred by Kerrilee and her family, so what better reward could they have wished for?………….

Dinnie Greenway

Dinnie GreenwayDinnie Greenway loves riding horses, and she’s not letting a little thing like age stop her. The 96-year-old says horseback riding is an addiction that has kept her going her whole life. She figures she was on a horse before she could walk and even before that, as her mother rode sidesaddle while pregnant with her in 1920 ………….

The Importance of Fitting a Bridle Correctly

The Importance of Fitting a Bridle CorrectlyThe Society of Master Saddlers provide advice on how to correctly fit a bridle and discuss the importance of ensuring nothing is too tight or too loose ………….

Horsey Interviews 2016

Horsey Interviews 2016

The “My Little Pony” burger

The "My Little Pony" burgerThe offbeat food truck Keuken van het Ongewenst Dier, which translates to “The Unwanted Animal Kitchen,” now supplies its “My Little Pony Burger” year round to Babbe Hengeveld, a chef who runs her own restaurant Food Guerilla, reports Vice Munchies………….

Jo Bates

Jo BatesThe rider and producer of Elusive the 2016 Hack of the Year at HOYS, Jo Bates has a wealth of experience in the world of showing.  Here we talk to the Black Country Saddles rider about ringcraft and what the judge is looking for………….

Ejiao – The Chinese Miracle Cure

Ejiao – The Chinese Miracle CureEjiao, or donkey skin gelatin, is considered one of the three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine. It is used to treat a wide range of ailments from simple colds to insomnia and impotence, and demand in the Chinese market is soaring like never before………….

Remembrance Special

Remembrance SpecialGrandad, Norman Aldridge, is from Plymouth and in 1950 carried out National Service in Eritrea, East Africa. Now at the age of 85, he talks about his time out on patrol and the mules that accompanied them…………

Equine Veterinary Journal

Equine Veterinary JournalNewresearch on equine grass sickness (EGS), published as a free special collection in the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) this month, has improved our understanding of this devastating disease. Four separate studies are included,………..

Tewsday Herbert

Tewsday HerbertAs we all know, mules are incredibly intelligent and do not like to put themselves in danger (which is very sensible) so this was a task that required a lot of patience and a good understanding of mule behaviour ………..

Equestrian.comMost winters and with very few exceptions, the horses’ fields can end up looking like a war zone. Huge puddles and churned up ground can be an owner’s nightmare when trying to keep horses clean and mud fever free ………..

Charlotte Bowery

Charlotte BoweryWith a keen interest in dressage and showing, Charlotte Bowery stumbled upon two hidden treasures, Leopard Rock and Right You Are whilst helping at the British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre ………..

Jocelyn Ridley

Jocelyn RidleyHard work and determination has really paid off for 22-year-old Jocelyn Ridley – helping her to secure a prestigious award for her studies over the last three years.

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareIf your horse suffers an injury or is unwell, do you know how to test your horse’s vital signs to enable you to spot a problem early or pass on valuable information to your vet before he reaches the yard?

Susi Rogers-Hartley

Susi Rogers-HartleyWhen a terrible accident put Susi Rogers-Hartley in a wheelchair, she knew she had to fight on to achieve her dreams. Susi continues to work hard to pursue a career with horses and teach others how to reach their long term goals …….


Society of Master SaddlersRegardless of whether you are feeding ‘good’ hay or haylage, there will still be some mould, bacteria and fungal spores, often referred to as ‘dust’, present in it, which can cause respiratory problems …….

Society of Master Saddlers

Society of Master SaddlersThere are now so many types and styles of saddles on the market from the most luxurious leather money can buy to those made from synthetic materials. Here the Society of Master Saddlers considers the options and gives readers food for thought …….

Hannah Biggs

Hannah BiggsAt some point every rider will encounter problems when training on the flat, especially with young or inexperienced horses.  It is important to get to the bottom of these problems before they develop into bad habits, which are even harder to correct …….

Robinson Animal Healthcare

Robinson Animal HealthcareTo make the most of the warmer weather it is important to keep your horse healthy and take steps to avoid some common ailments that could spoil your summer fun and also keep your horse comfortable during the hottest part of the day …….

Kevin McNab

Kevin McNabYour hands need to following your horse’s mouth over a fence. It’s important not to get left behind and get stuck catching your horse in the mouth mid air. You want to create a nice experience for your horse when jumping. A balanced position and soft hands are a good start …….

Lara Dyson

Lara DysonIf you are looking for a stallion to sire a foal, how can you determine that the stallion you choose has got the desired x-factor to produce a foal that is right for you and fit for the role it is intended? …….

Jane Ross

Jane RossDo you ride a Show Hunter, Show Cob, Working Hunter or Riding Horse? If so you will be required to gallop in the ring at a show. You will be asked to gallop in the go-round after walk, trot and canter with other competitors so preparation is key …….

Sophie Wells MBE

Sophie Wells MBESophie Wells MBE an outstanding example of what a disabled rider can achieve with a horse. Born with Amniotic Band Syndrome, which has left her with problems with her hands and ankles, Sophie has lost several fingers, has nerve problems in her lower legs and has no feeling in her feet. …….

Professor Meriel Moore-Colyer Dean

Professor Meriel Moore-Colyer DeanHorses are not designed to consume such rich feed and so restricting the time at pasture or using a grazing muzzle is essential if intakes are to be controlled. However, there are other problems associated with spring grass that need to be considered if health and welfare are to be maintained…….

Cyden Bodyguard Moorland

Cyden Bodyguard MoorlandWe talk to dressage rider and Cyden Stallions owner, Lara Dyson, about her KWPN-approved stallion Cyden Bodyguard Moorland, a stallion with a reputation for very un-stallion like behaviour ……

Society of Master Saddlers

Society of Master SaddlersA host of exciting new and established talent was on display at this year’s Society of Master Saddlers’ National Saddlery Competition held at Saddlers’ Hall, London. . ……

Christine Purdy

Christine PurdyChristine Purdy, a Trustee of The Donkey Sanctuary, has been on a 12-day tour of Donkey Sanctuary projects in India and Nepal with Julia Smith and Natasha Chamberlain of the International Department. ……

James Sommerville

James SommervilleJames has ridden ever since he was young. He joined the York and Ainsty North Pony Club at the age of just four and a few years later was bitten by the eventing bug and decided that it was all he wanted to do. ……

Lara Edwards

Lara EdwardsA good stallion has two sides – the breeding/ grading and the temperament or trainability. Lara Edwards answers questions about the breeding programme at Cyden Dressage, what enlightened her passion for breeding and her hopes for the future……

Jonjo Bright

Jonjo BrightA teenage jockey who was paralysed when he fell from a horse during a race has spoken about his efforts to walk again. Jonjo Bright was 19 when he suffered a serious spinal injury at a competition in Tyrella, County Down, in March 2013 …..


ZiggyWar and Peace

Meet the horse who stole the show in TV’s sexiest new drama – and learn the startling secret behind his tear-jerking death scene ……….

Horsey Interviews 2015

Horsey Interviews 2015

Jo Bates

Miles CooperThe rider and producer of Elusive the 2016 Hack of the Year at HOYS, Jo Bates has a wealth of experience in the world of showing.  Here we talk to the Black Country Saddles rider about ringcraft and what the judge is looking for. …..

Miles Cooper

Miles CooperStriding through the kennels of the Highmoor Hunt, Miles Cooper looks like he was born to be a country gent. There’s the outfit for a start – the brown kennel coat, the flat cap and the hunting whip draped around his shoulders …..

Frank Grunnill

Frank GrunnillHe is one of the most recognisable sights on showjumping’s British and European circuits with his trademark bowler hat, bow-tie and three-piece suit – and visitors to the inaugural Liverpool International Horse Show can expect to see him dressed for the occasion…..

Andreas Liefooghe

Andreas LiefoogheOn a raw November morning in London’s Hyde Park, seven children and three of their teachers from a nearby comprehensive school have been set the daunting task of befriending two grey horses trotting smartly around the edge of an exercise ring…..

Grant Nicolle

Grant NicolleAfter eight years, I have just completed a book on my 2007 trip from John O’Groats to Lands’s End with horse Marv. This is the story, told in mostly diary format, of that adventure, in the hope that others may undertake similar travels ……..

Hannah Bailey

Hannah BaileyFor head girl and dressage competition rider Hannah Bailey, knowing her horses are getting the very best forage provides peace of mind that they can compete to their maximum ……..

Charlotte Agnew

Charlotte AgnewCharlotte Agnew’s eventing career is continuing to blossom and it has been helped significantly by one very special homebred horse, Out of Africa. By Welton Apollo and out of her father’s hunter, Africa. Charlotte recalls “he was an absolute saint even as a four-year-old.” ……..

Lissa Green

Lissa GreenSometimes it would be nice to say one day is very much like the next, but that rarely happens. Running a busy yard means there are always people as well as horses coming and going. At the moment we have around seven horses in work, so there is always a lot to do ……..

Mandy Davidson

Mandy DavidsonWhen equine charities such as World Horse Welfare take in abandoned and neglected horses and ponies the ultimate goal is to find them loving new homes after they have gone through an extensive programme of veterinary checks and rehabilitation ……….

Lissa Green

Lissa GreenBased in Wiltshire, the 26-year-old is full of ambition and drive to succeed in the world of Eventing. From a young age Lissa was always told if she wanted to have the ponies she would have to work hard and prove it. And that is exactly what she did ……….

Katy Carter

Katy CarterAcross all equestrian disciplines every once in a while a partnership between horse and rider develops that is nothing short of legendary. In the world of pony showing few would doubt that this is the case for Poppy Carter and her pony of a lifetime Rotherwood Rainmaker ……….

Katherine Starkie

Katherine StarkieWhen they arrive, our horses and ponies have often had very little contact with humans and, sadly, some have had very negative experiences of people. In order to build their confidence and provide a solid foundation for their future, our dedicated staff begin their work from the ground up ……….

Laura Marsh

Laura MarshHard work and determination has really paid off for 22-year-old Laura Marsh –helping her to secure her dream job with HAYGAIN hay steamers. After three years, Laura has graduated with a first class honours degree in Equine Management ……….

Sarah Moorhouse

Sarah MoorhouseBased near Clitheroe, Lancashire, the 27-year-old has ridden all her life with the help of her mum Carol and the team work hard at home with the aim of success on the eventing circuit ……….

Wendy Taylor

Wendy TaylorAfter an accident in the field Wendy Taylor’s horse Bea, took to rearing when she felt anxious. With the help of Guy Robertson, Bea is now on her way to being the contented dressage horse Wendy dreamed of ……….

Lorraine Meadowcroft

Lorraine MeadowcroftOwner of the award-winning company, Lorraine has seen her pioneering firm escalate into an online phenomenon, which has changed the face of equestrian internet retailing as we know it ……….

Lilly Ahern-Lee

Lilly Ahern-LeeAt just three-years-old Lilly Ahern-Lee already has a fan base! With her Lead Rein Show Hunter Pony – Caridines Little Lord – she has taken the show season by storm and captured the hearts of many spectators around the ringside ……….


TuchaLike many people in their village, life was once a daily struggle for 42-year-old Tucha and his wife 37-year-old Yeshi Keskas as they battled to raise nine children in the remote village of Bekejo in Ada district, tucked away in Ethiopia’s Rift Valley ……….

Stephanie Revennaugh

Stephanie RevennaughInJune, Montana-based sculptor STEPHANIE REVENNAUGH traveled to England to participate in the Horse exhibitition at SCULPTURE BY THE LAKES, a 26 acre gallery and park established by renowned sculptor Simon Gudgeon and his wife Monique ……….

Charlie and Aaron

Sue AndersonThere are divided opinions on whether donkeys should be working in any capacity in this country and certainly working donkeys overseas often do not enjoy the best of lives. The Donkey Sanctuary works very hard to educate owners on good donkey husbandry ……….

Sue Anderson

Sue AndersonIn a large, grassy field tucked inside a residential area in Karen, Kenya children are enjoying a session of horse riding. But this is no ordinary riding class, and these are no ordinary children, because every one of them has a physical, mental or learning disability.

Uttam Kafle

Uttam KafleThe Donkey Sanctuary has been working with their partner Animal Nepal since 2009, helping the donkeys and mules working in brick kilns in the Kathmandu valley by training owners in handling and care and conducting mobile clinics …………..

Martin Black

Martin BlackWith a wealth of experience and knowledge and said by many to be the best natural horseman in America, Martin Black travelled to the National Racing College, Yorkshire to share his extraordinary skills. …………..

Dr Meriel Moore-Colyer

Dr Meriel Moore-ColyerAlthough competition horses are rarely fat, they can succumb to laminitis if the microbiome is disturbed by dumping rapidly degradable carbohydrates into the hindgut. Microbiome disturbances are the main cause of acidosis and laminitis in horses …………..

Nina Barbour

ArkolA son of Argentinus – also the sire of Nick Skelton’s former top ride, Arko lll – Arkol is known for his trainable attitude and athletic ability, already making a name for himself on the showjumping circuit with William Whitaker. ………………

Lucy Chester

Lucy ChesterI’m 26 and caught the horse bug, aged 2. Despite hopeful predictions from my parents that I would grow out of the ‘horse phase’, I never did and my fascination with them only seems to get stronger ………………

Jo Bates

Jo BatesThat she also tries her heart out to understand a horse and get to the bottom of any problems they have also makes her stand out as a superb horsewoman who remains passionate about her chosen craft ………………

Kay Hastilow

Kay HastilowThere are two main issues with fitting saddles to ponies. The first is preventing the saddle sliding up the pony’s neck which will lead to the back of the saddle bouncing and the pony being unhappy ………………

Bonnie Fishburn

Bonnie FishburnEvent rider and social media fan, Bonnie Fishburn forms part of the new age of rider, busy tweeting and facebooking probably while riding her horse at the same time ………………

Vicky Smith

Vicky SmithAmateur event rider, Vicky Smith talks about her summer horse care routine for her wonderful coloured gelding, Indian King II also known as Bugsy! ………………

Adventure De Kannan

Adventure De Kannan“Winning the Hickstead Derby is a phenomenal achievement for any horse and especially so for ‘Addy’, considering he only has one eye,” said Cheshire-based photographer Matthew Seed. ………………

Geoffrey Riddle

Geoffrey RiddleTalking to former Royal Marines officer Jock Hutchison, you would never know he is currently nursing nine broken ribs and a patched-up punctured lung.
Until he tells you………………

Hayley Watson-Greaves

Hayley Watson-GreavesHaving been selected for the BEF World Class Development Squad for the 2015 season, dressage rider Hayley Watson-Greaves is set to have a busy year ……………..

Supreme Products

Supreme ProductsHot clothing works by removing residue in the coat while adding condition at the same time in preparation for competing. Hot clothing is also extremely useful after clipping to break down dirt and oil in the coat and to remove and rinse away clipper oil…………….

Robert Walker

Robert WalkerLeading showman Robert Walker has amassed a host of major championships over the years whether riding Show Hunters, Riding Horses, Hacks or Cobs. Well known for his attention to detail and making sure his horses look in fantastic condition, Robert’s horses are always a picture of health ……………

Lara Dyson

Lara Dyson - Tips for Travelling Stallions Nerves and confidence issues can affect riders of all levels, whether you are too nervous to enjoy a canter out on a hack or are being held back from reaching your potential in the competition arena ……

The Dwyers

The DwyersPhilippa Johnson-Dwyer and James Dwyer finally got married this year, 12 years after first bumping into each other on horseback ……….

Tim Smith

Tim SmithTim Smith goes behind the scenes on a photo-shoot with renowned photographer Matthew Seed as he captures Trevor Breen and Adventure de Kanaan in preparation for the launch of the 2015 Hickstead Derby Meeting ……….

Melanie Cooper

Melanie CooperMelanie Cooper from East Yorkshire has ridden since she was seven-years-old, so when she acquired a lovely 18hh (plus!) Pure Irish Draught gelding she honestly thought she would have no problems ……….

The Bolesworth International Team

The Bolesworth International TeamMeet the Team Behind Bolesworth International. 2015 is set to be the biggest and best yet. Held at Bolesworth Castle, Chester, June 18 to 21, the event is not to be missed and promises to provide an action packed four days ……….

Glen Cousquer

Glen CousquerThe traditional bit is a medieval instrument that has, for far too long, allowed man to control and dominate the mule. It is widely used across Morocco, causing pain, suffering and great discomfort to the country’s mules.. ……….

Equifest – The Art of Ringcraft

Equifest - The Art of RingcraftAs Equifest approaches we ask the team for some advice on the importance of presenting your horse well to the judge and how to play to your strengths in order to impress the judges and be pulled in at the top of the line . ……….

Lara Dyson

Lara Dyson - Tips for Travelling Stallions Transporting horses can be a stressful business for both horse and owner, this stress can be multiplied when a stallion is on board. Lara offers advice……

The Equifest Team

The Equifest TeamMeet the team behind the largest equestrian show in the UK, Equifest, as we take a sneak peek into their hectic schedules, to find out what it takes to make the August event a success. ……….

Sara Longworth

Sara LongworthThe birth of your first foal is undoubtedly one of the most exiting experiences for any horse owner, but this excitement can also be mixed with anxiety about what to expect and the outside chance that something could go wrong. ……….

Betsy Branyan

Betsy Branyan - EquifestWith classes for all abilities, young and old, in-hand and ridden, over jumps or on the flat – Equifest provides an opportunity to enjoy a large championship atmosphere and is a firm favourite with both competitors and visitors alike ……….

Reto Gaudenzi

Reto GaudenziWinter in the Swiss resort sees a group of dedicated players transform a frozen lake into a battlefield of hooves and mallets. “We couldn’t wait until summer came again, so we had to be creative,” explains Reto Gaudenzi, who organizes the tournament ……….

Sara Longworth

Sara LongworthWatching a foal mature from a playful baby into a strong, healthy four-year-old, ready for young horse classes, remains one of the most rewarding experiences for any rider or owner, to be enjoyed with the highs and lows along the way ……….

Louise Osmond

Louise OsmondA racing thoroughbred brought up on a south Wales allotment and described as the British answer to Seabiscuit has become the star of a docudrama entitled Dark Horse: The Incredible True Story of Dream Alliance. ……….

SMS – Safety in the Saddle

SMS - Safety in the SaddleThis season I intend to start affiliated eventing with my horse, my tack is second-hand and I have had it a few years now. Are there any saddle safety checks I should make to ensure that I am safe ……….

Amy Badge

Amy BadgeHorse is winched UPSIDE DOWN out of well after hours submerged in water. A police marksman was called in case, Foxy, a 12-year-old former showjumping horse, had been too badly injured to save ……….

Sarah Ettridge

Sarah EttridgeEvent rider, Sarah Ettridge, was distraught when she found her 11-year-old ISH gelding, Henry, had struck into himself whilst in the field back in November and found him with blood pumping out of his fetlock ……….

Harry Nunn

Harry NunnFifty years on from Sir Winston Churchill’s state funeral, one Dundee man looks back on the important role he played in the proceedings as Britain laid its wartime leader to rest. A few days shy of his 93rd birthday, Harry Nunn is still hard at work with horses………..

SMS – Driving to Success

SMS - Driving to SuccessTo the untrained eye the driving harness can look like a jigsaw of different straps of leather but once you become familiar with the different pieces it becomes a simple but effective piece of tack, allowing a horse or pony to pull various types of horse drawn vehicles ……….

Parelli Uk Team

Parelli Uk TeamHorses are innately claustrophobic. Because they are prey animals, their survival is based on escape so anything that holds them back is cause for panic. They are literally programmed to push against pressure ……………

Horsey Interviews 2014

Horsey Interviews 2014


ChampionSafety standards, including 1384, are typically revised every 5 years, but not every revision results in significant changes. The review process for 1384 was underway for some years, but a deemed lack of progress towards consensus ……….

Luca Moneta

Luca MonetaItalian Luca Moneta is one of the world’s leading show jumpers but has been labeled by his peers “The Carrot Man” for his novel approach to training horses. Last year he won the “Puissance” event at the prestigious Olympia Horse Show ……………

Glen Cousquer 

The Donkey Sanctuary - Glen Cousquer I was asked to put together a weekend workshop for two different school groups, their teachers, leaders, local guides, muleteers and mules. This was an eye-opening experience for all concerned ……………

A Saddle Fit for a Lady

A Saddle Fit for a LadyOne of the most memorable scenes from the first series of the popular period drama Downton Abbey was that of Lady Mary out on the hunting field galloping, riding side saddle ……………

Sophie Wells

Sophie WellsBlack Country Saddles sponsored dressage rider, Sophie Wells MBE shares some top training tips as we go into the winter months.. ……………

Robert Walker

Robert WalkerBlack Country Saddles sponsored showman Robert Walker discusses the importance of correct tack and turnout for Show and Working Hunters and provides advice on how to make your horse look his best. ……………

Top Tips for Tack Cleaning

Top Tips for Tack CleaningMud, rain, wind and cold temperatures, our horses’ tack goes through a lot during the winter months battling the elements, not to mention the sweat produced by the horse during hard work or a morning’s hunting. ……………

Bonnie Hammond

Bonnie Hammond“To rescue, rehabilitate, and retrain horses facing neglect or abuse and provide them with the best opportunity for a permanent home and a lifetime of safety.” This is an extremely challenging but rewarding goal that can make a huge impact on both the lives of the horses and those caring for them. ……………

Annabelle Farrar

Annabelle FarrarEvent rider Annabelle Farrar’s horse Casper went lame after a competition in May last year. The eight-year-old gelding showed no external signs of injury, so came to Oakham Veterinary Hospital to investigate the problem ……………

Kelly Sigler

Kelly SiglerFor people, taking your horse on a trip in the trailer seems like a perfectly normal and necessary task. For the horse, there is nothing natural or mundane about it. Kelly explains why many horses don’t want to be anywhere near a horse trailer ……………

Billy Twomey

Billy TwomeyLeading showjumper Billy Twomey, is well known for his natural talent, determined riding and many success’ on the world’s competition circuit. With a top class string of horses, Billy has worked extremely hard to follow his ambition to compete amongst the best on a global scale ……………

Philip Bowern

Philip BowernA report urging the RSPCA to revise its policy on prosecuting animal cruelty offenders and to leave cases of alleged illegal hunting to the police and the Crown Prosecution Service has been welcomed by the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance…………..

Sam Evans

Sam EvansWorking sheep farmer, Sam Evans and her 14-year-old Toptimist Utopia secured a convincing win in the BRC BE80(T) Championships at Brooksby Melton College Horse Trials………….

Kirsty Turton

Kirsty TurtonIt’s that time of year again. The hunters have come in, fat and happy after their summer break, actually having some sun to bask in! The repairs are rolling in so it’s time to stop and look carefully at your tack before you set off on the hunting field …………

Sarah Ambler

Sarah AmblerA highly successful Small Riding Horse, Chique was chosen as the perfect model for the KTY 5 A-Day rugs. But the photo-shoot couldn’t happen without her larger than life side kick, Lily who would sleep in the same stable if she could …………

Anne Howard

Anne HowardA team of World Horse Welfare rescue horses made it into the main ring at Burghley Horse Trials much to a dedicated rehomer’s delight. …………

Geraldine Graham

Geraldine GrahamAn unwanted horse that cost its new owner just one euro (80p) has been selected to represent Ireland at an international showjumping competition. Geraldine Graham, bought the mare from a friend who could no longer look after the animal because of its poor health …………


WarriorA World War One warhorse has been awarded an “animal Victoria Cross” to mark the contribution of all animals that served with British forces. The medal was accepted by horse racing broadcaster Brough Scott …………

Nadine Tull

Nadine TullNadine Tull was a wonderful teacher. She loved her students and she loved horses. Ms. Tull dreamed of someday bringing a team of Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses to her school ………..

Kim Cox

Kim CoxFor anyone qualifying for the Horse of the Year Show is an incredible achievement, but doing so on a horse that was difficult, pushy, lazy and had no respect for your space is even more remarkable ……….


LLANWRTYD WELLSThere is an annual race between people and horses in this tiny Welsh town, and yes, a horse almost always wins. But that’s not really the point. Whether it’s the Man vs. Horse Marathon or any of the contests hosted here each year, the same winner comes out on top: Llanwrtyd Wells ……….

Susan Ridley

Susan RidleyAs Rehome a Horse Month draws to a close, World Horse Welfare announces some good news – finally more people are rehoming rescue horses ……..

Jock Hutchison

Jock HutchisonFounder of HorseBack UK, Jock Hutchison, is supporting this year’s Rehome a Horse Month. Having suffered a severe injury herself, Polly knew very well what trauma was……..

Joanne Eccles

Joanne EcclesFour days a week, 25-year-old Joanne Eccles examines teeth in Kinross, north of Edinburgh. She spends the rest of her time clad in spandex, performing gymnastics on a horse. Her sport? Vaulting. …….

Society of Master Saddlers

Society of Master SaddlersI have worked in the equestrian industry for some time and was thinking about becoming a saddle fitter, what would I need to do to become a Qualified Saddle Fitter that is recognised by the Society of Master Saddlers? …….

Gill Patrick

Gill PatrickGill Patrick tells us how Lifeforce Focus has helped transform Frosty from a weak youngster lacking in condition into a super pony with a promising future. When four-year-oldFrosty was unwanted, kind hearted Gill Patrick and her family took him in …….

Verity Smith

Verity SmithBlind equestrian Verity Smith’s dreams of competing at the London 2012 Paralympics were crushed when her horse was put down. Now back in the saddle, she’s set her sights on being part of Team GB’s Rio 2016 Paralympics dressage team……..

Megan Jones

Megan JonesRosie came into WHW national Rescue and Rehoming Centre, Penny Farm in Blackpool, for immediate treatment after her owner had sadly let Rosie’s feet overgrow so much that they curled up into painful ‘slippers’ …….

Gentle Giant Sea Horses

Gentle Giant Sea HorsesDuring the months of February through May, and again in September through November, the “Paardenvissers” have taken their Belgian horses, planks and nets into the breast-deep water of the North Sea trolling for shrimp since the 17th Century …….

Andy Scott

Andy ScottFor the past eight years, Glaswegian sculptor Andy Scott has been working on the biggest project of his life. The Kelpies are two 30m-tall horse heads made of steel, now standing alongside the Forth and Clyde Canal …….

T. James “Doc” Humphrey

T. James "Doc" HumphreyWranglers in the West who have for decades cashed in on the allure of getting on a horse and setting out on an open trail say they have had to add bigger horses to their stables to help carry larger tourists over the rugged terrain …….

Melissa Liszewski

Melissa LiszewskiIt’s so sad to think of just how hard these animals work and that what they need most – water – is actually right there, heavy on their back, but they cannot access it …….

City Streets & Derby Winners

City Streets & Derby WinnersAccording to Belfast City Council, the tradition and custom in naming new streets is that the developer requests the name and the council then decides whether to give it the go-ahead…….

Joanna Heard

Joanna HeardSociety of Master Saddlers newly qualified saddler, Joanna Heard, talks about her career within the saddlery industry including the training involved and her daily routine ……

Lara Dyson

Lara DysonCyden Stallions owner and dressage rider, Lara Dyson, shares her top tips on caring for your dressage stallion……

Alana Chapman

Alana ChapmanThe Guaymi Indigenous Reserve in southern Costa Rica, is home to an indigenous tribe. World Horse Welfare realised that a special approach was needed to address the welfare problems faced by the working horses in the reserve …….

Gareth and Rebecca Hughes

Gareth and Rebecca HughesInternational Dressage riders and husband and wife team, Gareth and Rebecca Hughes recognise the importance of probiotics to ensure their team of horses stay on top form. Find out more about how they keep their horses in excellent competition shape…..

Rob Cullen

Rob CullenWhen it comes to riding across country, whether as part of an eventing competition or having a go at hunter trialling making sure both you and your horse are comfortable is key to success. Rob Cullen of Black Country Saddles provides advice on what to look out for.

Sophie Wells

Sophie WellsHere we catch up with Black Country Saddles sponsored para dressage rider, Sophie Wells MBE, as we take a sneak peek into her hectic daily schedule to find out what it takes to make your way to the top ………

Charlotte and Zara

Charlotte and ZaraVisiting country houses has often given me a feeling of engagement with this historic England, but, privately, I have yearned for a means of getting to know the landscapes that those houses belong to even better, following their stories in the quiet topography in between ………

Horse carriage owners and operators

Horse carriage owners and operatorsWhile a high-profile ordinance that would ban the use of horse-drawn carriages in New York City has not yet reached the city council, the proposed legislation has drawn criticism from carriage operators as well as from a veterinarian who believes such a ban is not necessarily in the horses’ best interest ………


DenzilA horse that has spent nearly two decades serving in the British army has sadly passed away. Handsome Irish Draught X TB Denzil spent 19 years serving with the army, he began his career with the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery before moving to the Royal Army Veterinary Corps and then the Royal Engineers Saddle Club ………

Patrick Palmer

Patrick PalmerThe hooves clip-clop, the harness jingles, and the wooden cart rumbles over the street. The sounds evoke a Robert Frost poem more than garbage pick-up, but rubbish and not rhyme is the essence of this operation ………

Sergeant Paul Johnson

Sergeant Paul JohnsonFrom riots and footie matches, to royal weddings and state funerals – it’s all in a day’s work for Finsbury, one of the Met’s horses based at Lewisham Police Station ……..


RichardBristol charity, HorseWorld Trust, helps 21 year-old Richard face his fears and beat his self-harming issues and depression by offering him a place where he feels safe and at ease ……..


ChicAfter suffering repeated episodes of uveitis — an inflammation inside the eye — Chic lost sight in her left eye. Although partial blindness did not stop Chic from being ridden …….

Amy Fordham

Amy FordhamOne year ago consumers were shocked to find out that what they thought was beef – was actually horse. While many of the public were left feeling deceived and some guilty that they had been chomping down on horse meat – there was a silver lining to the dark cloud that had burst and landed on our dinner plates…….

The Spanish Riding School

The Spanish Riding SchoolELEGANT and disciplined at all times, they trot, pirouette and capriole with what seems like the greatest of ease, steered by impeccable riders in tailcoat and hat.

Horsey Interviews 2013

Horsey Interviews 2013


NoelThis year, one very lucky youngster will be going home for Christmas as he receives the best gift he could hope for – a new family in a safe new home.


BungleA rare breed horse rescued as part of the well-known Amersham rescue in January 2008 has gone on to not only find a loving home through the Redwings Guardianship Scheme, but to also achieve success in the showring.

Princess Louise

Princess LouiseEquine War Heroine. The little mare who made the lives of the men who loved and cared for her a little brighter at a dark time in world history ………..

Mindy Lovell

Mindy LovellFlailing beneath the hooves of 30 other terrified horses, last December in a tractor-trailer heading for a Canadian slaughterhouse, once-winning race mare Press Exclusive had lost her balance on the truck, and her place in the world. ………..

Ben Hart

Ben HartThe Donkey Sanctuary, on 15-years learning about equine behaviour, making a presentation to 120 vets, scientists, donkey charity workers and donkey owners not to mention giving a practical demonstration of his work with donkeys. ………..

Ian McKeever

Ian McKeeverThe horse had his head down in a dreary stall in the back of a shadowy Pennsylvania barn. The year was 1999, and I was 31. The horse in the stall was much younger, just 6 years old, but he appeared ancient and gaunt. ………..

Lindsay Robertson

Lindsay RobertsonI am thrilled to announce that my image of ‘Old Glory’ has won The Crown Fine Art Award at the prestigious National Open Art Competition. The exhibition starts on 25th October at the Royal College of Art, London ………..

Emma Edwards

Emma Edwards Since a very young age I have always had the ability to capture animals expressions, character and movement. Having a love of all animals I was compelled to draw them from the day I could hold a pencil……….

Kim Abbott

Kim AbbottKim looking for third win in annual Man Against Horse Race. Endurance rider Kim Abbott loves the annual Man Against Horse Race in Dewey, Arizona. She should – she has won it twice and placed in the top 10 several times……….

Ele Sparkes

Ele SparkesA one-eyed pony who was rescued from terrible neglect is now on a winning streak with her 10-year-old rider Ele Sparkes after being rehabilitated at Blue Cross.. ………

Sarah Kemp

Sarah KempA woman whose parents were told to prepare to switch off her life support machine after she fell off a horse has graduated from college. ………


MuleThere is a man wandering around California with three mules. He’s travelling across America with the aid of three cell phones, two voice recorders, a digital camera, a Samsung tablet – and three mules ………

Tina Caswell

Tina CaswellLuke, a 7-year-old autistic child had primarily only expressed requests to his parents (e.g., I want a drink), but this past year he was given a 1-pound iPad, introduced to a 1,000 pound horse and a special program called Strides©. ………

Glen Cousquer

Glen CousquerOur long term aim is to encourage the wider mountain tourism industry to give greater consideration to the animals that form an integral part of the trek team. I therefore took the opportunity to learn more. ………

Beverly Medlyn

Beverly MedlynDebbie Hillery rode horses growing up in Minnesota, carefree summer rides through the prairie on a palomino named Sundance. Now the horses come to her — specifically, a 30-inch tall, 250-pound miniature horse named Lilly……….

Laura Tomlinson

Laura TomlinsonIt’s been a complete whirlwind, the two biggest things of my life happened at the same time – reaching the pinnacle of my professional career by achieving my dream with Alf at the Olympics and then being proposed to by Mark. It’s been a life changing twelve months ………

Sharon Shanks

Sharon ShanksMy job is to set up new foster homes, do regular checks on existing foster homes, deal with welfare complaints, help and advise private donkey owners, go to sales and fairs, do talks, check working donkeys and organize collection of donkeys that are relinquished by their owners. ………

The Caerphilly Rescue – Red Wings

The Caerphilly Rescue - Red WingsAll 53 ponies we took in are doing really well, and we have had eleven foals born too, which was a bit of a surprise but what a lovely one! We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated ………

Jenifer Tucker

Jenifer TuckerChestnut and Paris are my two delightful mules from The Donkey Sanctuary. I can’t tell you how pleased I am when I stand between my two muleS. It’s something that makes me so happy to be fostering Paris and Chestnut ………

Horse Pulling.

Horse Pulling.With 7,500 pounds of concrete on a sled, horses Tony and Jiggy take off, easily passing the six-foot mark and continuing until the handlers manage to catch their attention and unhitch them. ………

CHIO Aachen

CHIO AachenTo celebrate the CHIO Aachen and the first event of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping, Rolex has produced three films featuring Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum, Frank Kemperman; and Michael Mronz……….

Stephen Leslie

Stephen LeslieIt was a good day to be a farmer. The rains had stopped, the sun beat down, the sky was clear and Stephen Leslie’s team of Norwegian Fjord horses was impatient to work ………

Common Ridings

Common RidingsA Lowland Scots saying sums up the Scottish Borders: “It’s aye bin”, meaning “It’s always been”. The old Border country’s Common Riding traditions have evolved over 900 years into one of Europe’s biggest equestrian spectacles ………

Katie Walsh

Katie WalshHorse-racing is the only major sport where men and women can battle each other for glory in the same race and the formidable Kildare woman would have it no other way ………

Adam Peters

Adam PetersHula hoops, colorful exercise balls, barrels and horses. They all play a part in family counseling, addiction recovery, depression treatment and helping veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder ………

Starlight Farm

Starlight FarmTucked away on a gently sloping hillside just a stone’s throw south of the Monksville Dam, there’s a place where horses, therapy, and personal growth come together several times a week ………

Linda Parelli

Linda ParelliWell known for her great relationship with her ‘wonder’ horse Remmer who is now taking life easy, Linda now has time to devote to new horses, Highland and Hot Jazz ……..

Kristin Hayday

Kristin Hayday She works as a Research Assistant at The Donkey Sanctuary, where only non- invasive research is done. She is lucky enough to have worked there for the past 6 years …….

Jazz the foal

Jazz the foalOn Oct. 5, 2011, a little foal who became known as Jazz was born at the BLM holding facility in Delta, Utah. His mother died a week after giving birth. Jazz became an orphan

Christine Beatty

Christine BeattyHorseback therapy creates “absolutely dramatic” improvement in many children, claims neurologist. When Christine Beatty watches her daughters ride horseback, she sees things that might not be obvious to others……

Victor Cutino

Victor CutinoThe man who didn’t want horses now busy running his own rescue home. These days, when Victor Cutino puts his hand under 6-year-old Dreamer’s stomach, he no longer grips both of the thoroughbred’s sides at once……

Shaking Steven

Shaking StevenA tiny foal rescued from a river in East London has arrived at Redwings HQ in Norfolk. They named him Steve, but he was shivering so much that he has since become known as ‘Shaking Stephen’


Chloe McCutcheon

Chloe McCutcheonWhen Haggis was found he was riddled with lice, grossly overweight and showing signs of laminitis, an extremely painful and sometimes fatal condition affecting horses’ hooves. As far as we could tell he hadn’t walked properly for years. …….


SorenSoren is special although you won’t see why when first meeting him face to face. But as soon as this big red horse turns around, you will discover something is missing — his tail. …….

Lesley Zacharias

Lesley ZachariasA young miniature horse in sneakers is helping a 4-year-old special-needs child at an Anchorage public elementary school. It’s the only service horse in an Alaska school …….

Mike Watkins

Mike WatkinsA Milton-Freewater, Washington man is taking a natural approach to rejuvenating race horses. Instead of injecting them with steroids and other drugs, he’s massaging them back to health.. …………..

Tootie Bland

Tootie BlandTen years ago, Texas horsewoman Tootie Bland thought she had witnessed a miracle: a green Quarter Horse so gentled in just a few hours that a rider could stand on his back and crack a whip. …………..

Addie Manning

Addie ManningFor nine years, Manning participated in 4-H. Alongside her older sisters, she competed in horse shows and barrel racing. In sixth grade, Manning also pursued vaulting …………..

Verity Owers

Verity OwersBefore the Brooke started working in Hosaina six years ago, donkeys would arrive exhausted and laden with grain having travelled with their owners for several hours. …………..

Derek Thompson – Shergar

Derek Thompson - Shergar“Then this guy comes round to my side and he motioned with his machine gun, wind the window down. So I did and I was sitting there, six inches away from a gun pointing straight at me held by a guy with two holes for his eyes and one for his mouth …………..

AP McCoy

AP McCoyThere is a huge trophy cabinet in AP McCoy’s house that groans underneath all the silverware he has won during his record-breaking career as a jump jockey…………………

Petra Ingram

Petra IngramIt is clear that tourists have a great influence over the horse owners, and for those who recognise bad behaviour, they could help us improve welfare by refusing to use horses who are tired or suffering from wounds………………..

Chris Garrett

Chris GarrettCLUTCHING AT STRAWS… A harness maker talks about his craft, how he started and how he has made more harnesses in more countries than he can remember ………

Rosie Jones

Rosie JonesHorse trainer turned blogger Rosie Jones leaves Sussex and heads off the beaten track, travelling the world for 7 months in search of horses and their owners; from Indian Royalty to a Bill Bailey look-a-like called Buffalo…………………

Deborah Meaden

Deborah MeadenNomadic tribes conjure up romantic visions but what we saw was far from that. We were met by desperately poor people living in huts made of mud and straw which frequently get washed away by floods………………

Liz Potter

Liz PotterI sensed that the more Clyde floundered, the deeper he was likely to sink. I was convinced his head would go under at any moment……………..

Mary King

Mary KingIf Mary King makes it to Rio for her seventh Olympics in the GB eventing team, she could face interesting competition from a very local source. ……………..

James Holmes

James HolmesWhen young James Holmes visited Blackpool Rescue and Rehoming Centre and fell
in love with a horse, he was amazed to discover that they’d both had surgery
to remove a kidney when they were just a few months old……………..

Deanna Edgy

Deanna EdgyFrom the first time Deanna Edgy saw horses ride down the beach near her childhood home she was hooked. As soon as she was old enough, she started working at Sea Island Stables on St. Simon’s Island …………….

Horsey Interviews 2012

Horsey Interviews 2012

Liz Gaffer

Liz GafferSupporter Liz Gaffer would spend all of her time with donkeys if she could, so when deciding to take a holiday in India, she made sure she spent some time with The Donkey Sanctuary’s teams there ……….

Amy Williams

Amy WilliamsA rescued donkey who has hit the headlines worldwide by showing off her unusual talent of painting, will be displaying her works of art in HorseWorld’s Visitor Centre cafe for the next few weeks………………

Michelle and Kristy Taynor

Michelle and Kristy TaynorSisters Michelle and Kristy Taynor of McCandless are among thousands of Pennsylvania teens who show horses in 4-H………

Heather Kitching

Heather KitchingHeather Kitching has not let anything stand in the way of realising her lifelong ambition. Financial ruin, ill health, derision – all have failed to dampen her determination ……..

Kate Robertson

Kate RobertsonEvery girl dreams of getting married… I would say I did more than most! One thing I never dreamed would happen was that I would have donkeys at my wedding……..

Freya Dowson

Freya DowsonNicaragua – “The love that these people have for their horses is immediately apparent, in some cases horses are referred to as family members………..”

Kelly Christine Reynolds

Kelly Christine Reynolds“Kelly Christine Reynolds and her dancing horse, El Gato, is not just a fun romp with a talented animal. It’s an encouraging story of how to get back in the saddle too…………”

Bill Wolfe

Bill Wolfe“Whether for a somber or joyous occasion, Mr. Wolfe’s business, Wolfe Dream Carriage, aims to keep a tradition alive by providing horse-drawn transportation.”………..

John Harvey

John Harvey” If you can afford to own or rent a healthy donkey, you can transport your goods to market and earn up to 25 Ethiopian Birr per kilo for apples instead of 10-11 Birr if selling to traders who come to the village.”……….

The tale of John Major’s gift horse

The tale of John Major's gift horse“The Turkmen Horses have arrived in Moscow.” It was with these words in an October 1993 despatch that Laura Brady announced the completion of one of the strangest assignments ever taken on by a British diplomat……..

Fiona Too Chelagat

Fiona Too Chelagat“I remember first meeting Fiona and getting an overwhelming feeling of excitement that only comes when you meet someone who is equally as passionate about equines and their welfare as you are”………..

Lora Brugnaro

Lora Brugnaro“Lora Brugnaro travels to Milton on an MBTA minibus three times a week to ride her horse, Bart, at Horseplay Stables, but the future of Horseplay Stables has become uncertain, a situation Brugnaro says is “too upsetting to think about.”………..

Mary White

Mary White“Mary White has travelled the world, taken photos of elephants and aerial shots of Haiti. But her favourite subject is neither human nor exotic: it’s the horse”………..

Christine Philpott

Christine Philpott“They should’ve grandfathered me in,” Philpott said. “They wouldn’t have had all this. It was totally unfair to tell me I can have her for three years, nothing happens, everything’s good, then pass this law. It ain’t right.”………..


ZodiacA year and a half ago, Zodiac was the most critically ill horse to ever come through the gates of the Days End Horse Rescue. But thanks to the help from many, he has endured through the darkest of days and gained a second chance at life………..

Sonia Sahar

Sonia SaharConsidering the social context in Afghanistan and the restrictions against the movement of women in the country, Sonia Sahar’s achievements are
remarkable. ……….

Auburn University

Auburn UniversityWork that successfully outfitted a miniature donkey with a prosthetic leg not only gave the animal a lease on life, but also carries implications for the rehabilitation of horses and other larger animals ……….

Adrienne Lyle

Adrienne LyleShe is living the American dream; from simple beginnings riding western on her parents’ cattle ranch, Lyle is now a top dressage competitor and is headed to the 2012 London Olympics on Parry and Peggy Thomas’ 13-year-old Oldenburg, Wizard. . ……….

Sébastien Riffault

Sébastien RiffaultThis is a fair afternoon in early june, and Sébastien Riffault is completing the seasonal plowing on his Sancerre slopes. He is among the growing numbers of French growers who bring back the horse on the fields and the vineyards. ……….

Rachna Rishi

Rachna Rishi“Mata Vaishno is a holy cave around 5,200ft up in the folds of a three-peaked mountain called Trikuta. Pilgrims who make the journey are blessed with the darshan (sight) of the Mother Goddess inside the Sanctum Sanctorum – the Holy Cave” ……….

Zoe Baines

Zoe Baines“There is a clear change in their attitudes towards their equines and their treatment of their animals, which really was impressive to see.” ……….

Pam LeBlanc

Pam LeBlancI love sharing an adventure with another animal, it’s so real, in the way that cars and computers and pavement and iPhones just aren’t……….

Yvonne Wall

Yvonne WallShe is the mother and alpha female at Forever Free, a two-acre horse rescue in Bermuda Dunes. At each of the 16 misted stalls, she is greeted with instant recognition………

Robert Clark

Robert ClarkWhen the thunder of hooves signals the start of the Kentucky Derby, Robert Clark will be there. It is business as usual for the Indian Harbour Beach artist……..

Lauren Bode

Lauren BodeHorse whisperer Lauren Bode says she’s been telepathically communicating with Boot, a 16-year-old Belgian cross living at Centre Island’s Far Enough Farm……..

Jan Cooper

Jan CooperAmersham horse Wilma who had a terrible start in life is now excelling in her new home thanks to World Horse Welfare’s ‘Rehome a Horse’ month last year……..

Gordon Johnson Houghton

Gordon Johnson HoughtonA natural empathy with horses has led him from race riding and training to becoming a McTimoney-Corley Animal Practitioner………….

Mardi Gras horses

Mardi Gras horsesAfter the Carnival is over, the horses go back to helping patients living with physical, emotional and learning disabilities…………

Crockett the Rocket

Crockett the RocketTwenty five year old cheeky tongue-poker, Crockett, whose comical appearance has earned him many fans has just retired to a life of leisure after finding a loving loan home…………

Alex Peternell

Alex PeternellI am extremely excited about London 2012, although I try not to get too over-excited as we are still a long way off, and with horses nothing is ever guaranteed!……….

Mary McCormack

Mary McCormackShe found a profound love of horses at the age of 7 after riding for the first time. More than a decade later, she has turned that love into a career. She has just opened her own equestrian facility, City View Equestrian in Chili……….

Giles and the New Messiah

Giles and the New MessiahHow a nervy and jumpy character qualified for the Badminton Grassroots Regional Final. Giles was bought from Beeston market in Cheshire for £1500 by his doting and loving owner Melanie Seller……….

Nick White

Nick WhiteWorld Horse Welfare has been working together with Hertfordshire Constabulary to successfully reduce injury to horses, their officers, and cut their equine-related costs by thousands of pounds………

Nicola Battersby & Beau

Nicola Battersby & BeauA wonderful, unbelievable story of one woman’s fight against all the odds to save her horse from a disease, which is normally fatal……..

Burma’s Lady

Burma's LadyIn a true tale as dramatic as any movie, this horse was rescued from the brink of slaughter, survived a near fatal foaling, and was reunited though Facebook with the young woman who had owned her and thought she was lost to her forever……..

Joanne Smales

Joanne SmalesBailey, an eight-year-old, 16.3hh Thoroughbred, always struggled to maintain his weight and condition. His owner, Joanne Smales, tried everything to help Bailey’s condition. Some things helped a little but the results were never long lasting……..

Enos Mafokate

Enos MafokateEnos Mafokate, founder of the Soweto Equestrian Foundation, who has just made his first trip to London to speak at World Horse Welfare’s annual conference about the immense opportunity equestrian sport can provide for young people………

Anna Twinney

Anna TwinneyThe key to do anything you want will also be to be the best you can be in that area. You have to stand out. You have to know your topic. You have to know your subject matter. You have to be dedicated and committed and be the best you can be…….

Debra Meaden

Debra MeadenWhen I was 11, I used to help out with the pony rides up and down Minehead seafront in Somerset. I loved horses and couldn’t afford one of my own, so it was my way of getting near them…….


RecklessThis horse was a pack horse during the Korean war. During the battle for a location called Outpost Vegas, this mare made 51 trips up and down the hill, on the way up she carried ammunition, and on the way down she carried wounded soldiers……

Summer Marks

Erin BolsterSummer Marks glides into the training pen atop her quarter horse, Riley, with a grace that seems effortless. She rides without a saddle or bridle – only a very loose neck rope – but Riley responds to her with barely a word……..

Erin Bolster

Erin BolsterIn a cloud of dust, the 25-year-old wrangler likely saved a boy’s life while demonstrating that skill, quick-thinking and guts sometimes are the best weapons against a head-on charging grizzly…….

Olivia Adams & Equiscan

Olivia AdamsMeet Olivia. Ex-Policewoman now an Endurance rider. Livvy began riding at the age of four on a Naval Base and continued to do so until she moved to Bristol when she joined the Police Force……


Shino.Hewas near death due to severe dehydration and debility. He had been suffering from diarrhea for the last three days. This was partly due to his diet of un-boiled cow’s milk and husk and improper diagnosis by a traditional healer……

Ricky Webb.

Ricky Webb.Rider killed by Hurricane Irene while feeding his horses. If you saw Ricky Webb, chances are he was riding his gray mustang Diamond, enjoying retirement beneath a white cowboy hat. …….

Sophia Mangalee.

Sophia MangaleeDespite being one of the last to physically come across the finish line after nine days amid the vast wilderness of the Mongolian steppe, things could have been far worse for Sophia Mangalee.

Mark Bishop.

Mark Bishop.‘Cowboys & Aliens’ Where the horses come from. Bishop was the head horse handler for the recent Hollywood blockbuster “Cowboys and Aliens.” Working on these movies, Bishop said he’s constantly impressed at what the horses are capable of …….

Beverly English.

Beverly English.I pass by a tall grey gelding pulling a single carriage with no one in it. He seems tired and worn, no life in his eyes. They appear to be headed back to the barn. Even the driver looks tired. It is 100.4 in the sun now, 98.2 in the shade….

Pamela A. Rickenbach
Pamela A. Rickenbach

All told, there are 30 draft horses living at Blue Star. They all would have been put down if not for Blue Star, the state’s sole rescue and rehab haven for veteran workhorses in need of a second career……


PhoebePhoebe, the first all-white thoroughbred born in Illinois, soon will be traveling to Hollywood to be one of five horses playing the part of Silver in a remake of “The Lone Ranger.” The movie, will star Armand Hammer as the Lone Ranger and Johnny Depp as Tonto…….

Horsey Interviews 2011

Horsey Interviews 2011

Anita Jackson

Becky and Jim McKeithTwo “miracle stories” helped shape her life, Anita Jackson said. After dealing with a serious stomach ailment that traditional medicine
couldn’t cure, she saw a chiropractor. Within 15 minutes after an adjustment, she said, her symptoms were gone…….

Becky and Jim McKeith

Becky and Jim McKeithIt began in the mid 1990s. Becky had always wanted a horse. She made a promise to her husband: no miniature horses. Today, the couple raises, breeds and shows miniature horses, including several foals or weanlings born in April and May…….

Joe Loveridge

Joe LoveridgeWhen he was a jockey, life was simple. All Joe Loveridge had to worry about was keeping his weight down, getting the rides and not killing himself. Now he’s a trainer, things are a million times worse. He’s got no end of problems……

Sally Russo

Sally RussoShe works seven days a week from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening, caring for her four horses, tending up to six boarders, teaching lessons, mucking stalls, feeding, grooming and fussing over her precious charges.But don’t tell Sally Russo she works hard…….

Wang Zhenshan

Wang ZhenshanWang provides the rare Przewalski horses to the United Kingdom and Germany.Wang is a specialist in the horses’ reproduction in the Wild Horse Research and Reproduction Center of Jimsar in the Changji Hui autonomous prefecture……..

Jenna Pratt

Jenna PrattJenna suffers from epidermolitic hyperkeratosis. She is unable to sweat and her skin is susceptible to tearing. But she loves riding horses. Jenna Pratt, 10, of Brattleboro, Vermont has come a long way since she started horseback riding a little over a year ago.

Connie Toepel

Connie ToepelShe couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t love horses. “My parents said those were the first words I said,” Toepel recalled. “I have a vivid memory of when I was 5 years old and going up to the television set. The circus was on, and the horses were going around the arena………

Allison Lemon

Allison LemonIf you want your kid to stay out of trouble, buy him a pony, says rider and medical school student. Allison Lemon said her horse was key to her academic success. “We are so in sync,” she said. “You don’t get that with many horses…….”

Buck Brannaman

Buck BrannamanPerhaps the most prominent advocate of what is known as natural horsemanship, Brannaman likes to say that though he’s hired to help with a person’s horse problems, he ends up dealing with a horse’s people problems……..

Nial Robinson

Nial RobinsonThe School teacher will spend his summer holidays taking water to horses before they die of thirst.  To
rodeo fans, he’s one of the all-time bull-riding greats. To the kids in his science classes, he’s D-Rob. And to 38,000 wild horses roaming Nevada, he’s a lifesaver.

Mark Pitman

Mark PitmanMark Pitman, great raconteur he is too, reminiscing about his Gold Cup victory and his National second as a jockey. He was also assistant to mom, Jenny, when winning the Grand National with Royal Athlete……..

Karen Bourdon

Karen BourdonKaren’s NHS for animals venture in Oxfordshire. She explains how she takes horses from the likes of Richard Hannon, Paul Cole and others, when vets have given up on them. She works with complimentary treatment as well as conventional treatment…….

Claude Desmarais

Claude DesmaraisWorking together. Old technology and new technology. Draft horses bringing fibre optics to remote locations. For over three decades Claude Desmarais has been laying line with draft horses……..


CusackDeb Johnson rarely gets on to Facebook. A couple weeks ago when she “just messing around,” she noticed a friend had made numerous posts about horses in “kill pens” at an auction house in Washington…….

Valerie Lewis and Paul Harding

Valerie Lewis and Paul HardingRich, luscious, a compliment to any coffee table. And says dressage legend, Domini Morgan, “Every aspect of this wonderfully presented book is excellent.” Suddenly horsey books have taken a leap into a new dimension…….

Sam Twiston-Davies

Sam Twiston-DaviesIsabel Tompsett chatting to Sam Twiston-Davies. Watch out for the month-old foal in the background…….

Kennis Fairfax

Kennis FairfaxHe is one of only a handful of African American judges in the United States. He spent his summers on the family farm in Oklahoma. Today he is a school teacher. But, at heart, he’s still a cowboy……

Woodlander Farouche

Woodlander Farouche Woodlander Farouche performance potential first shone through as a two year old in the BEF Futurity series, she scored a Higher First premium and then went on to claim Overall BEF Futurity 2008 Dressage Champion at the Futurity final later that same year….. ………..

Duane Van Dyke

Duane Van DykeWhen Duane Van Dyke gets ready to hitch up a pair for pulling and plowing, all the horses head to the barn. They line up like spectators at a show, watching the action and hoping they’ll be next.. ………..

Sue Armstrong

Sue ArmstrongSue is the current President of the BAHVS (British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons) and an international lecturer on homeopathy and laser therapy in horses. ………..

Lucinda Broad

Lucinda BroadThoroughbred ex-racehorse, Revolution, has demonstrated his wide ranging talent in the sport of Eventing
and Dressage, as well as becoming a successful sire of potential event horses of the future………

Ritt Chitwood

Ritt ChitwoodA mustang captured in the Pacific Northwest and a young Tennessee man paralyzed in a car accident came together through the efforts of a south Alabama veterinarian, the determination of the student’s mother and — both women said — divine intervention….

Jim Goddard and Rosie Jones

Jim Goddard and Rosie JonesKelly and Monty’s chief roadie and demo rider set up Intelligent Horsemanship yard in East Sussex. “Intelligent Horsemanship is all about working together to find what is best for the horse, so a collaboration seemed to be the logical way to go”…….

Bettina Eistel

Bettina Eistel What is even more compelling than the fact that she can brush her horse with her feet, is that she competes, very well, at the Paralympics in dressage. Bettina didn’t just overcome her disability, she walloped it……….

Kacey Cramer

Kacey CramerKacey was only 14 when she began restricting her food intake. “Restricting my food was a way of punishing myself and reinforcing a self-hatred
that stemmed originally from my parents’ divorce.”……………..

Allyssia Bryant

Allyssia Bryant Fifteen-year-old Allyssia Bryant mucks out her horses’ stalls, feeds them, grooms them and teaches them to move as one with her……..

Lisa Holder

Lisa Holder “They were standing in a field, no food, a frozen water trough. They were just hanging their heads, like they had given up”……….

Grace Walker

Grace WalkerGrace Walker was only 14 years old when she won the individual silver medal at the Pony European Championships, and the group gold……

Isabel Tompsett

Isabel Tompsett Do you have to be slightly crazy to be a jump jockey? Listen to what Isabel Tompsett has to say

Glenda Smith

Glenda SmithEvery horse has a story. Glenda Smith leans on the wood post fence and surveys the herd grazing on the parched pasture, rattling off each sad tale. Equestrian Inc is a 15-acre rural swath of paradise on the outskirts of very suburban Carrollwood Village.

Darryl Breslin

Darryl BreslinFrom living in a hostel in Manchester to riding with some of the the best in the world in Newmarket, Suffolk, Darryl Breslin’s life
has undergone a massive change in just a few months. “I want to go all the way, I want to be a winning jockey.

Harriet Brown

Harriet BrownHarriet Brown is General Manager at Hobgoblins Stud, East Sussex, a family owned breeding enterprise. Harriet talks about her love of horses, her career and her work at the Stud.

Linda Parelli

Linda ParelliShe is busy travelling in Italy and Portugal. But Linda Parelli takes five minutes from her busy schedule to answer questions about their trip to the UK for the huge Parelli Celebration event in April 2011.

Alan Daly

Alan Daly A jockey to set the house on fire. On March 18 2009, however, he retired at the tender age of 35 with a spectacular flying Frankie Dettori leap after winning his last race at Lingfield racecourse. What is he doing now? He is a fireman at Cobham Fire Station in Surrey.

The Equissage Team

The Equissage Team2010 was a very exciting year for the Equissage Team. Here we catch up with Ellen Whitaker, Maria Eilberg, Lee Pearson and Piggy French to find out about their proudest moments and reveal what 2011 has in store for them.

Polly Thompson

Polly ThompsonHorses and Heartbeats shows the pluses and minuses of horse ownership. The engaging characters, the subtle yet effective introduction of horse management

Sue Wylde

Sue WyldeWhere would we be without the Sue Wylde’s of this horsey world? They are the foundation upon which we all depend. They make the wheels go round.

Thea Maxfield

Thea MaxfieldThea suffered a broken neck known as a ‘hangman’s fracture’ after an horrific fall from her horse, but is back in the saddle thanks to revolutionary technology –pioneered in Formula One RACING CARS.

Sheila Barker

Sheila BarkerTime and Preparation is what South-East regional coordinator Sheila Barker put her teams’ success down to when they claimed the KBIS JRN Team Championship title at Weston Park International Horse Trials.

Lucy Harrold

Lucy HarroldThe Unluckiest – Or is he the Luckiest ? – Horse in the World. The vet said, Put him down. He survived.

Jeanine Preece

Jeanine PreeceIt was a dream come true for Jeanine Preece from Bristol when her husband Lee gave her a beautiful bay Thoroughbred gelding as a surprise Christmas present……

John Bartelous
John Bartelous

The countdown begins. From now until the end of the year hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of horses all around the world will be clipped, re-clipped and clipped again…

Jill & Jules Walker

Jill & Jules WalkerThe next Totilas. Owners talk for the first time about their plans for the future. He is Baron de Ley. A Westphalian stallion. Five-years-old. 16.2 and still growing…….

South East Para Riders

South East Para RidersMention Para riders and most people will know the name of the most prolific Paralympian, Lee Pearson, but there are many more who have won medals and titles……

Amy Starkey

Amy StarkeyLike all little girls, Amy Starkey was mad about horses. Except she wasn’t interested in riding them. She was interested in betting on them……….

Mark Updike

Mark Updike90 days to make them rideable. A Princeton man is hoping his participation in a national mustang training challenge will help bring new attention to an underappreciated sector of the equine industry…..

Barbara Halpern

Barbara HalpernShe’s living a child’s horsey fantasy – at 61-years-old. As a child, Barbara Halpern would ride three or four buses from her native Providence, to take a riding lesson….

Bernice Ende

Bernice EndeBernice Ende could have made the 1,200-mile trip in any number of ways. She could have flown. She could have driven. She even could have taken the train. But instead Ende opted to ride her horse…..

Minette Rice Edwards

Minette Rice EdwardsFor the majority of equestrians, riding means little more than surviving on a horse. Understanding the “art” of riding can open up a world for both you and your horse…..

Susi Sadler

Susi SadlerSusi Sadler is one of just a handful of British riders joining the epic race across the bleak Mongolian Steppe…..

Cherry Michell

Cherry MichellYou can all now breathe a sigh of relief. She did it. The Chairman of The Pony Club, Cherry Michell completed the Horses4 Heroes sponsored ride……

Horsey Interviews 2010

Horsey Interviews 2010

David Funnell

David FunnellHow  to say, Goodbye. In the old days it was straightforward and, maybe, crude and unthinking. Certainly, there was little emotion about it. A call to the nearest Hunt or to the local knackerman..

Zana Cousins and Karl Greenwood

Zana Cousins and Karl GreenwoodWant to try something different from show-jumping ? Become a stunt rider.Learn how to ride bare-back, joust, make your horse rear up on his back legs.

Tony Green

Tony GreenHe’s never had a riding lesson. He’s never sat on, let alone ridden a horse. Yet today, he is one of the top Club-level carriage drivers in the whole of the South East.

Natalie Dawson

Natalie DawsonNatalie Dawson describes why she took up dressage last year and why she is determined to succeed in spite of all the setbacks

Kit Knotts

Kit KnottsResearchers in Texas have achieved a cloning first with the successful delivery of a foal using egg cells, called oocytes, from a live mare.

Paula Clements

Paula ClementsIt all started on a Monday evening with just 12 people in the front-room of her home in Lingfield, Surrey.

Liz Mitten Ryan

Liz Mitten RyanWe are offering a new therapy that heals the therapist, the patient, and the animals assisting in the healing.

Sallie Anne Lent

Sallie Anne LentNo.  Polo is not for Toffs. No.  You don’t have to drink champagne, speak Spanish and wear expensive boots…..

Lynne Reardon

Lynne ReardonLynn Reardon is the founder and executive director of LoneStar Outreach to Place Ex-Racers (LOPE Texas), a nonprofit racehorse placement agency near Austin.

Polly, the broodmare with a Parrot Mouth

Bill Lomas EqDTIt was Easter 2009 when I first met Polly, a 7 year old thoroughbred broodmare with a genetic dental disorder commonly known as Parrot Mouth.

Janet Hein

Janet HeinBy profession an animal control officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health. On her own time, though, she devotes her waking hours to nurturing horses, along with dogs, at the farm where she resides.

Charlie – saved by an angel.

CharlieHorses are also sold every Tuesday at OLEX. What most people are not aware of, is that nearly all the horses that are brought to OLEX are bought by horse dealers, or kill buyers, who purchase them for slaughter.

Kaye Glendenning-Jones

Kaye Glendenning-JonesTwo things run in the veins of Kaye Glendenning-Jones – jewellery craftsmanship and horses. Luckily, earlier this year she found a way to combine both.

Dr Madeleine Campbell

Dr Madeleine CampbellShe first saw him through a dissecting microscope. He was just one-fifth the size of a pin-head. She delivered him when he was born.

Gabriella Atkinson

Gabridella AtkinsonBehind a new multi-million pound equestrian training centre in the south east is tiny, dynamic, action-packed Canadian businesswoman, Gabriella Atkinson.

Denise Dent

Denise DentIs she the longest travelling weekend rider in the world? Over the last 18 months, she has travelled over 250000 miles to ride her horse, Charles Chequers Blue.

Barbara Wigley

Barbara WigleyThey call her, Mrs Golden Horseshoe. They also say you need lots of endurance to keep up with her.

Ross Algar

Ross AlgarFrom the age of four, Ross Algar wanted to ride. At 19-years-old he wanted to join the army. Having spent, as he says “12 glorious years” in
the Army, he then wanted to become an instructor and an author.

Rebecca Slough

Rebecca Slough Rebecca Slough has recently launched her own brand, Equitility, to design and manufacture jump and training banners for everyone from the amateur enthusiast to riding clubs and even professional coaches.

Calico Colt

Calico ColtThe two leggeds walked toward him. He wanted to jump up and dash away but he could not. Over the next few days he grew too tired to move at all.

Rupert Isaacson
Rupert Isaacson

Rupert Isaacson believes riding has transformed his autistic son. Now he wants others to benefit from his experience.


FocusFocus, a 6-year-old TB, was badly injured in a storm. He had a gaping hole in his chest, measuring a foot long and a foot wide, which continued through to his abdomen. Everyone rallied round to help him survive.

Alida Stander

Alida StanderAlida Stander has just started riding again. She describes the aches and pains – and absolute joy of riding her Percheron, Big Chester

Anna Twinney – Ledger

Anna TwinneyAnna Twinney tells the unforgettable story of Ledger, a two-year-old chestnut colt. How he was struck by lightning. How she cradled his head in her arms. And how she communicated with him “on the other side”

Sara Ross

Sara RossThe Horse Refuge at Wittersham, Kent isn’t just a five star horse rescue and re-homing centre, it is also backed by no end of famous five –star show business stars and personalities.

Christy Sheidy

Christy SheidyAnother Chance 4 Horses – Horse rescue network saves hundreds of horses from slaughter in one year

Alison Remmen

Alison RemmenRead the wonderful, inspiring story of Ali and her Ashdown Forest Group of Riding for the Disabled

Susan Pohlman

Susan PohlmanA horse needs Susan Pohlman’s help. Opening a metal pasture gate, Susan Pohlman walks across uneven, frozen mud toward a chestnut horse lying on its side, limbs taut…….

Anna Twinney – Remsky

Anna TwinneyRemsky could no longer leave the pasture without getting extremely upset, his entire body would shake, he could no longer be tied and he would pull back as though he had just seen a ghost!

Anna Twinney – Bouie

Anna TwinneyBouie was a very talented, beautiful, four-year-old,  grey, Thoroughbred racehorse. Trouble was half-way through a race he would always slow down and whinny ……


TroyDonna Howman tells us the story of Troy, who came into her life when her husband, Mark, asked her, “Do you want a honeymoon or do you want Troy?”

Martin Diggle – Author

Martin Diggle“I remember always liking horses. I would always run out and give the horse a carrot..”  Today, he is a best-selling equestrian author.

Hazel Reed – Author and Publisher

Hazel ReedShe has helped literally thousands of people all over the world pass their BHS Exams. Now she talks – about how she first started riding ….

Sam Penn – An Olympic hopeful

Sam Penn“Horses are my life. They always have been.  Literally from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep….

Pembridge SymphonyA Cleveland Bay

Pembridge SymphonyPure-bred Cleveland Bay mare, Pembridge Symphony, is a rare breed in more ways than one.

Claire McCaffery-Clarke

Claire McCaffery-ClarkeBHS Development Officer for London and the South East, Claire McCaffery-Clarke  is prepared to tackle anything.

Ian Adams-Lane

Ian Adams-LaneIan Adams-Lane owes his business success to the fact that for 25-years he was walking around with a broken neck.

Mark Thompson – Levade Systems

Mark ThompsonToday Levade Systems is one of the leading manufacturers of wooden stables, ancillary  and garden buildings in the South-East

Linda Parelli – on Dressage

Linda ParelliAs Linda Parelli canters effortlessly around on her beloved horse Remmer, spectators look on, keen to find out more.

Charlotte Adams-Lane

Charlotte Adams-LaneCharlotte is one of the top three elite double-harness scurry drivers in the country. Thanks to Princess Michael

Tina Cook

Tina Cook“All part of the day’s work,” says Tina Cook, daughter of the famous four times champion jockey and trainer, Josh Gifford,

Tracey Elliot-Reep

Tracey Elliot-ReepFrom Mexico to Canada. Tracey’s 3,000 mile hack.

Charlotte Packham

Charlotte PackhamHorsey girl, Charlotte Packham, has decided to have another go at winning the title, the most prestigious beauty pagent in the country.

Tamsin Pickeral

Tamsin PickeralTamsin talks about her life and horses as well as her latest book,  Budget Horse and Pony Care

Dane Rawlins

Dane RawlinsNobody can deny that he has done more than anyone to turn the once staid, boring, middle-aged world of dressage, into one of the most popular, fastest-growing sports in the country.

Met Riding Club – Caroline & Hannah

Caroline & HannahBoth are in the Metropolitan Police Service. Both are police constables in the Territorial Support Group, which is responsible for policing and controlling public demonstrations.

Dick Francis

Dick FrancisWhen champion jockey Dick Francis turned his hand from horses to writing bestselling thrillers, he enlisted the help of his family – and now his son Felix is co-author.

Christine Yeoman

Christine YeomanTen years ago Christine Yeoman was told she had multiple sclerosis. It changed her life completely. She decided to take up Endurance riding.

Lord Oaksey

Lord OakseyThe leading amateur rider of his era. A jump jockey with over 200 winners to his name. Everyone’s favourite loser of the Grand National. And all round thoroughly good egg.

Marlene Davey

Marlene Davey“Whatever people say, it is an emotional business. You do it for love. Sometimes it’s thrilling.” Marlene Davey is one of the leading pony breeders and producers in the country.

Margaret and Colin Green

Colin GreenColin and Margaret Green have been breeding Cleveland Bays for over 30-years. This is their personal story

Ron and Debbie Thomas

Ron and Debbie ThomasThey have produced and supplied over 70 winners – Lead rein, Hunter, Show and Intermediate – at both the Horse of the Year Show and the Royal International Horse Show …………..

Rae Turner

Rae TurnerMeet Rae Turner. She’s the model being featured in the new British Horse Society road safety poster.

Claire and Luke Tomlinson

Claire and Luke Tomlinson The former No 1 British female polo player, 65, and her son, 32, captain of the England polo team

Carl Hester

Carl HesterThe Olympic rider and winner of 44 national dressage titles encouarges everyone to get back on that horse.

Lee Pearson

Lee PearsonA day in the life of one of Britain’s most talented dressage riders? From the Weakest Link to the star studded Butterfly Ball there is never a dull moment in sight.

Anne Wilson & Susan McBane

Anne Wilson and Susan McBaneTalk to Anne Wilson and Susan McBane about the standard of riding today, the approach, the style and the effect on the horse and, in some cases, it practically reduces them to tears……

Julianne Aston & Minty
Julianne Aston & Minty

In 1993 Julianne Aston, finally decided she had had enough of being refused entry to competitions with Minty, a 40- year-old veteran Irish Draught cross just because of his age…….

Sylvia Loch

Sylvia LochSylvia Loch talks to about her childhood with ponies, her time in Portugal, her writing career as well as her hopes and ambitions for the art of dressage.

Isabell Werth

Isabell WerthIsabell Werth has the unique honour of having represented Germany at four Olympic Games, and won team and individual medals at each.

Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum

Meredith Michaels-BeerbaumAs the first female jumper to be ranked world number one (2005), Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum is a reference for women jumpers everywhere.

Rodrigo Pessoa

Rodrigo Pessoa Brazilian, Olympic jumping champion, considered to be one of the most remarkable riders of his generation.

Zara Phillips

Zara PhillipsAfter a very successful career in the Young Riders, she has more than lived up to expectations

Pippa Funnell

Pippa FunnellPippa, the first woman to ever be ranked number-one in eventing and the first rider to have won the 2003 Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing

Heather Hoffman

Heather HoffmanHeather works as BHS Ireland’s ‘Off Road Horse Riding Development Officer’.

Helen Kerry

Helen KerryRoad safety officer’s wife talk about having two famous horses…

Andrew Gould

Andrew GouldAndrew Gould first hit the headlines as a young rider team medallist, then followed this early success with multiple national titles as his horses progresses. Today he is possibly better known as Katie Price’s dressage trainer.

David Kerry

David KerryThere is probably no greater advocate of high visibility clothing for horses and riders in the country than David Kerry.

Katie Price

Katie PriceOur Katie talks to The Times about life, horses, being a surgically-enhanced glamour model, horses, falling in love with washed-up pop singer, Peter Andre, horses, Harvey, her son, horses …

Becky Sampson

Becky SampsonBecky Sampson and Bertie’s Quest are going for a hack. Not just an ordinary hack. They are planning to ride all the way from London to Tokyo.

Lucy Thompson

LucyThompsonBefore every event she would lay her riding clothes out neatly, in the same order and sing at the top of her voice powerful motivational songs while she got dressed.

Michael Peace

Michael PeaceHe talks about his Think Equus philosophy, his non-horsey background and why he is happy to be known as the man down the road who can fix horses.

Molly the Pony, & Riley the Mare.

Molly the PonyHorses can and do survive on three legs. Most will survive amputation surgery.

Andrew Reilly

Andrew ReillyA Reilly good saddler. The serious saddler, who is always making people laugh, has just designed and produced his own brand new, unique – Patents pending – Omniflex saddle.

Avril Roberts

Avril RobertsShe used to keep her pony in the garage behind the family Daimler. Now she is devoted to finding the dream horse for riders all over the South East.

Mark Wallinger

Mark WallingerMeet the man behind the monumental white horse sculpture poised to grace the Kentish skyline.


Renee & ChollaMeet Cholla. The horse that paints.

Bruce Logan

Bruce Logan“I would like to teach the world to ride horses the way horses want to be ridden…”

Anna Twinney

Anna TwinneyReiki – the most popular healing art in the world, says Anna Twinney.

Rupert Isaacson

Rupert Isaacson & son RowanThe horse that saved my son: Little Rowan’s life was devastated by autism – but he found hope in the most unlikely and inspiring way

Jane Kendal

Danielle HayShe’s worked so long and so hard to help so many people in the horsey world – Meet the non-stop Jane Kendall

Danielle Hay

Danielle HayEventer. Bare-foot ski-ing champion. Air hostess. Disneyland horse handler. Soldier. Advanced diver. Bare-foot farrier……. Meet Danielle Hay.

Julie Broyart

Julie BroyartJulie Broyart is from Pondaurat in the Gironde in France.

Leonard White

Leonard WhiteA living legend, Actor. Director. Producer. The unknown genius of British television drama who says he owes it all to horses.

Roland Clarke

Roland ClarkeThe Eventing writer whose life was one major event after another.

Bobby Craig

Bobby Craig - FarrierMeet the farrier to the Queen. She also gave him toffees.

Simon Vieweg

Simon ViewegEveryone is unique. But there are not many people in the world as unique as Simon Vieweg.

Louise Bonsall

Louise Bonsall From WAG to Horse Lover. Louise Bonsall, wife of footballer, Michael Owen, tells how she is now devoted to rescuing horses


VerityI first started riding when I was three-years-old. My mother had a horse and I used to go with her to the stables……

Jousting – Geoff Funnell

Jack's Owner FionaGeoff Funnell decided to ride because he wanted to take up jousting…….

Pauline Grant – Sussex Horse Rescue Trust

Pauline Grant - Sussex Horse RescuePauline, who was born in Cuckfield, West Sussex, couldn’t have grown up in a more horsey environment..

Jack & Fiona McOuat

Jack's Owner FionaHe is Jack, an 18-year-old Welsh Section C, and probably the most adaptable and versatile pony in the world…..

Linda Smith

Linda Smith - Something DifferentHi. I’m Linda Smith. I started Something Different.

Michelle Cogger

Michelle CoggerHi. I’m Michelle. I helped design  Metal Mickey.

Gay Biddlecombe

Gay BiddlecombeI used to ride and keep my own horses (as well as a couple of donkeys!) but then I injured my back……

Oliver Townsend

Oliver TownsendOliver Townend has just won the most valuable eventing prize ever.

Anthony Knott

Anthony KnottAnthony Knott has just won his first race for – Wait for it – 28 years. A dairy farmer and jockey, his momentous triumph came at Wincanton.

Sam Thomas

SamThomasSam Thomas, number-one jockey at Paul Nicholls stable, has just taken over from Ruby Walsh …….

Debra Meaden

Debra MeadenShe is no longer just a Dragon. She is now a horsey supporter of inner-city riding ….

Jeff Newnham

Jeff NewnhamIn 20 – 30 years time most horses will be going barefoot. Who says so? A farrier …….

Joanna Price

Joanna PriceIf there is one outstanding theme running through Joanna Price’s life, it is horse welfare ……….

George Mikell

George MikellAs both a serious dramatic actor and famous international film star, George Mikell has appeared alongside most Hollywood legends ……

Mick Robinson

Mick Robinson“I’ve never ridden a horse in my life let alone even sat on one, but photographing them is always a thrill ……

Julia & Bob Streeter

Julia and Bob Streeter _ Polegate SaddleryPolegate Saddlery is 25 years young this year. Julia and Bob Streeter along with Julia’s father took the shop over in 1983 …..

Lynn Kinnish  – An Unsuspecting Mum

Lynn Kinnish - An unsuspecting MumFrom the age of three her daugher Liz was horse mad. Lynn was quite unprepared for this …….

Ben Casserly  – Local Farrier

Ben CasserlyLocally based Blackboys, Uckfield farrier, Ben Casserly, and Ricky Hilton just won team gold ………

Eloise Kennett –

Eloise KennettI’m Eloise Kennett, I’m 23, just got my Heavy Goods Vehicle driving licence……

Ollie & Peter

OllieLynn has just achieved her best score ever with her new British Riding Pony, Ninfield Dick Whittington, better known as Boots …..


SamanthaI’m currently studying Animal Biology at The university of Gloucestershire…..


YvonneI have run my own Livery Yard in Jevington, East Sussex for approx. 15 years……


I returned to riding after a five year gap due to a back injury. I began with occasional hacking …….


JamesI would like to think I am experienced but find sites like this very helpful……