The Battle for Broxhead Common

Maureen Comber

The Battle for Broxhead Common

Common land since time immemorial
The epic blow-by-blow story for riders’ rights
Maureen Comber

I will be serialising the Story of the Battle for Broxhead Common from the beginning of the problems in 1963 when the owner of Headley Wood Farm, started fencing in the 80 acres of Broxhead’s common land, for it surely did not go unnoticed at the time and has been a cause of discontent ever since.

Broxhead Common has been identified as common land since time immemorial.

Click here to read the INTRODUCTION to The Battle for Broxhead Common

Says Maureen Comber:

“In 2017 I made application under sec.19 Commons Act 2006 to correct the Register of Common Land because of ‘mistakes’ made by the Commons Registration Authority, which in this case was Hampshire County Council. (HCC). I knew that because of the ‘interest’ they have in Broxhead Common the matter could not be decided by them but would have to go to the Planning Inspectorate.”

Now read on.  


The Battle for Broxhead Common - Introduction In 2017 I made application under sec.19 Commons Act 2006 to correct the Register of Common Land because of ‘mistakes’ made by the Commons Registration Authority, which in this case was Hampshire County ...
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THE BATTLE FOR BROXHEAD COMMON. THE START OF IT ALL --- THE STORY OF BW54 The start of the Battle. This Tithe Map is freely available to anyone who wants to go to their local Records Office or National at ...
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THE BATTLE FOR BROXHEAD COMMON. Had HCC been planning to pervert the course of justice? The Battle for Broxhead Common - 2 The Case for Hampshire County Council – Fact and/or Fiction So, I hear you ask, what went wrong? ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common My Fight for Riders' Rights * It is the Secretary of State, not the landowner who must have regard to the benefit of the neighbourhood! * The Court of Appeal cannot be perverse or act ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 4 Of course, the Broxhead Commoners’ were most concerned by the strange turn of events and in: July 1978 issued a press release. It explains that after ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for the County Council – PART 5 It is essential to remember how the Registration of Common Land works. When the Commons Commissioner’s decision becomes final, as it did in this case on ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council - PART 6 Hampshire County Council insist that the Schedule to the Order for the dismissalofthecasefromtheCourtofAppealisanorderperse. Infact,it is a commitment by the parties to adhere to the Schedule which ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 7 1. Now the MOD are becoming curious and on: 2. 30th March 1979, The Property Services Agency’s (DOE), Dick Stilwell, writes to the County Secretary asking ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for the County Council – PART 8 4th May 1979 is the date of the Final Determination Notice (FDN) sent to Whitehill Parish Council. It shows the whole common is registered. Whitehill FDN ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 9 Local people were by now not only puzzled, but frustrated and angry at the curious outcome, and on: 21st January 1980, Headley Parish Council minutes how ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 10 31st January 1983. When the proposal from Hampshire County Council arrived, to divert certain bridleways on Broxhead Common the response from Headley Parish Council is somewhat ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 11 It should be remembered that the unauthorised fencing obstructed some 23 tracks used by horse riders over Broxhead Common, as noted by Cllr. John Ellis to ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common Says Maureen: "I think this must be the biggest Government cover up ever, of a crooked Council that steals the peoples common land! Disgraceful." The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 12 Because of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 13 4TH September 1989. The Decision for Hampshire County Council’s Diversion Order is given by Planning Inspector, Captain G. F. Laslett CBE C Eng RN. 1989 Planning ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 14 Hampshire County Council were still hell bent on obtaining the Diversion Order for BW4 and BW46. They would make yet another Order in 1990. This would ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 15 In the meantime, I wrote to everyone I could think of who could help to restore the lost link of the bridleway. 6th and 29th October ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 16 Until the year 2000, Hampshire County Council had an arrangement that made East Hampshire District Council responsible for Rights of Way in the District. So, I ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 17 It is settled law that commoner’s may not ‘let, lease or lend’ their rights of common. Also, all the other commoners would have had to agree ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 18 In the meantime, while waiting for HCC’s Order to come to Public Inquiry for the third time on: 25th March 1991, a decision with regards to ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 19 1. 26th November 1991 is the date of a reply from Edward Mason, Assistant County Secretary, to the treacherous Mr. Connell. It was he who had ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 20 15TH April 1992, is the date of a letter from the Office of the Commons Commissioners to a Mrs Bobby Lake. They confirm that the Commissioner ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 21 10th December 1991. The Public Inquiry for the diversion of BW’s 4 & 46 was held. Colin Edward Piper, Rights of Way Manager for Hampshire County ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 22 3rd February 1992. Planning Inspector D. A. Barker-Wyatt CBE gives his decision. PI Feb 1992 Broxhead, Barker-Wyatt06072019 (2) Paragraph 9 of his report speaks of ‘leased ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 23 It had been third time lucky for Hampshire County Council to get the diversions it wanted to BW’s 4 and 46, but it would take another ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 24 7th January 2002. A letter from the Headley Wood Estate Manager, Mr Michael Porter to Miss Walters of the Committee Division of the Chief Executive’s Department ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 25 Continued from Part 24. Letter Porter to HCC Chief Executives 15072019 As there was no point of law against the decision of the High Court, the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 26 We had a look at the HCC Land Sub-Committee minutes in Part 3 but after reading the letter from Headley Wood farm to the Chief Executives ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 27 16th September 2003 is the date of my letter to HCC Estates after I noticed some clearance work being done on part of the common. Sadly, ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 28 It seems to me that during my long fight to restore the rights of common and access by the public to this open space, that I ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 29 November 2005. The matter came before the Regulatory Committee of Hampshire County Council. Their reason for refusal was: “The lease agreement between the landowner and the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 30 It was difficult to see how there could be insufficient evidence of use for my claim. We were submitting user evidence from twelve horse riders which ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 31 There followed an appeal by written representation which went on until October 2006. 23rd April 2007 Planning Inspector, Mark Yates decided not to make an order ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 32 9th August 2007, I email the Leader of Hampshire County Council asking him to restore the rights of ‘air and exercise’ to horse riders without delay ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 33 10th January 2007, I receive a letter from Hampshire County Council telling me that the Regulatory Committee has refused my application for a bridleway from BW54 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 34 6th February 2009 is the date of a letter from HCC’s Executive Member for Efficiency, Performance and Rural Policy, Cllr. Raymond J. Ellis in reply to ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 35 3rd April 2009, a letter from the Inspectorate had said: “The Inspector will not have access to the appeal documents. It is therefore very important that ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 36 11th October 2010, I simply could not accept such an erroneous decision. I had to get the lawyers involved. We successfully Judicially Review the most recent ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 37 Notwithstanding, our initial success in obtaining the Order for a bridleway between BW54 and Cradle Lane and the following successful Judicial Review of the previous Inspector’s ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 38 21st April 2011. I asked HCC Chief Executives if they could find any trace of page 3. Their reply was negative with advice to contact the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 39 No wonder HCC had requested that no historical information be considered at the forthcoming Public Inquiry. (Part 36) 28TH June 2011 the date of the next ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 40 Until this moment in time my focus had been to get a reasonable riding route over the common land to replace at least a few of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 40 14th December 2011. I made further enquiries regarding the documents I had been sent under EIR and point out that the ‘Land’ section of the Register ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 41 An exceptionally large sign had been strategically placed near the junction with BW54 and my previous bridleway claim, just before the last Public Inquiry. It seemed ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 42 I had throughout the process been asking reasonable and relevant questions, most of which remained unanswered. On page 14 of the Guidance on Procedures for considering ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 43 31st October 2012 is the date of the response to my letter dated 14th February 2012. It came from Hampshire County Council’s Head of Information Compliance ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 44 Even though I was by now the County Bridleways Officer for The British Horse Society and therefore dealing with the numerous other problems encountered by riders ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 45 31st January 2014. I am so concerned with the apparent lack of Democracy that I write to my MP. Looking back, I see Dominic Raab gets ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 46 Through 2012 to 2014, I and others had mounting concerns at the number of applications being made by the Wildlife Trusts to fence common land. Copy ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 47 August 2012, a local consultation on the management of Broxhead Common is announced by Footprint Ecology in which fencing is a leading proposal. 2012 HCC Broxhead ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 48 24th November 2013, I once again email my long-suffering MP with regard to correspondence I had been having with Natural England. 2013 RE_ Response for Natural ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common 1962 os map of the common before fencing. The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 49 Commons Commissioners were appointed by the Lord Chancellor, one of which would be Chief Commons Commissioner. The first ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 50 February 2013. I was curious as to how, why, and when the common land had become a legal part of the Headley Wood Estate. So, I ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 51 28th February 2014. A year on and I had become unhappy with the way my questions to the Land Registry had been dealt with. It seemed ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 51 a continued 6th December 2001, ALR1 continues: “The roads and footpaths in this title are subject to public rights of way.” ‘The alternative would have been ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 51 b continued 4th June 2001. ALR1 replied to the Solicitor at AJG on whether they had heard from Hampshire County Council. He says: “The Registry has ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 52 So, there it was in black and white “The roads and footpaths in this title are subject to public rights of way.” 2014 Land Registry Broxhead ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 53 Access Volunteers for the British Horse Society are very well trained to research and apply to add bridleways to the Definitive Map. One point which comes ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 54 continuing the Statutory Declaration by MRP Paragraph 5.6, “Had he not been the owner he would not have been able to be a party to the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 55 continuing the Statutory Declaration by MRP Paragraph 5.8 states: “The appeal decision, inter alia, contained an order that…” 30 years later we found out that the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 56 The Statutory Declaration of Michael Roydon Porter for the Land Registry dated 6th December 2001 continued: Paragraph 5.11, the Consent Order, and a Lease dated 5th ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 57 The Statutory Declaration of MRP continued: Paragraph 6.1 Here again we see that compulsory purchase of a piece of the common land between Hampshire County Council ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 58 Continuing with the Statutory Declaration of Michael Roydon Porter: Paragraph 8.3. Mr Porter says, “Part of the land edged blue comprises the Common as demised in ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 59 It appears that either MRP did not properly understand the implications of the Consent Order from the Court of Appeal, or there was a deliberate conspiracy ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 60 8th September 2014. I received a letter from the Senior Investigating Officer telling me that ICR had finished her investigation, a copy of which he enclosed ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 61 The reply from IR which accompanies her final report of my complaint, makes it clear that any alterations to the Land Registry can only be made ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 62 I had by now realised that there was no help to be found in the more expected places. I had exhausted enquiries through my MP and ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 63 As you will have seen in Part 48 of this series, I had brought the matter of the missing 80 acres of Broxhead Common to the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 64 Before we move on to 2017 it may be prudent to briefly look back at this unfortunate situation and why the apparent theft of 80 acres ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 65 The unlawful fencing had obstructed access to the twenty-three trails that John Ellis had counted on the Ordnance Survey Map; these were replaced by BW46 running ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 66 Dr. L. Ellis Tavener’s book entitled ‘The Common Lands of Hampshire’ is a survey of the common lands of Hampshire undertaken at the request of Hampshire ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 67 Hampshire County Council was well prepared therefore, when the Commons Registration Act 1965 was finally launched. Section 4(a) and Section 4(b) state as follows: “An application ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 68 14th July 1970 is the date of the Assent and Conveyance deed which changed the ownership of Headley Wood Farm to A. G. P. Whitfield. This ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 69 Whatever happened to “once a highway always a highway”? It seems Hampshire County Council were not thinking straight when it decided to divert BW47 and FP3 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 70 Following the statement that Mr Whitfield intended to replace the fencing, John Ellis immediately issued an injunction restricting the replacement of the fence, but that only ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 71 7TH December 1973. John Ellis writes an update to members of the Broxhead Commoners Association. Apparently someone has written to one of their members suggesting that ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 72 The Broxhead Commoner’s Association, had it seems been infiltrated by some of Mr Whitfield’s ‘working group’. One of them in a determined search for a sports ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 73 The hearing before the Chief Commons Commissioner, G. D. Squibb QC, moved, after a couple of days, from Winchester to London where it continued on and ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 74 4th September 1974 Bradley Trimmer, Solicitors for the Broxhead Commoners, convey verification of the rights of two individuals. Mr Connell is found to have rights over ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 75 At this point we need to remember the statement on Page 3, first paragraph, of the Interim and FINAL Decision. It states that at some time ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 76 15th March 1975 is the date of a letter from one of the commoners saying how delighted he is at the result of the Chief Commons ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 77 It is important to note the terms used in the Appeal document. Reference is to the land owned by the said Mr Whitfield lying to the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 78 Continuing to look at the Final Determination of the Chief Commons Commissioner, Mr G, D, Squibb QC: Page 15 second paragraph confirms two properties with rights ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 79 June 1976, John Ellis contacts the members of Broxhead Commoners Association. He tells them that the 404 acres of Broxhead Common is now registered as common ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 80 24th March 1980 is the date of the judgement from the High Court by Brightman J. It must be remembered that this is an appeal by ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 81 To continue looking at the Judgement by the High Court from Brightman J on 24th March 1977. Page 13 paragraphs G, H, dismisses Mr Whitfield’s appeal ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 82 To continue to look at the crucial points in the Brightman judgement: PAGE 22, paragraph A & B, state Brightman has no jurisdiction to alter the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 83 27th July 1977, in the meantime Headley Parish Council minutes record that the gates of BW47 were causing problems as predicted. 1977 Headley PC 27.7.77 4 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 84 20th October 1977, further to his letter of 13th September 1977, another letter arrives from Hampshire’s County Secretary to Kingsley Parish Council. It says that as ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 85 20th April 1978, the minutes of the Rights of Way Sub-Committee of Hampshire County Council record that; the County Secretary reported that negotiations were now in ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 86 24th May 1978. Let’s have a good look at the terms of the Schedule or Agreement for the dismissal of the case from the Court of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 87 24th May 1978 continuing to examine the Schedule to the Consent Order from the Court of Appeal. g Hampshire County Council will further consent to and ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 88 24th May 1978 continuing to scrutinise the Schedule to the Consent Order: The instruction for all proceedings in the Aldershot County Court to be dismissed is ...
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Question Answered The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – QUESTION 1 To answer the $64,000 question as to why Hampshire County Council, as the Registration Authority did not insist on application to the Secretary of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 89 22nd June 1978. The County Secretary of Hampshire County Council gave a report to the Land-Sub Committee endorsing the terms of a settlement of dispute, in ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 90 But remember Mr Whitfield had a cause. Knowing his ownership of the common was tenuous to say the least. He was determined to secure it for ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 91 It begs the question as to why Hampshire County Council, who had been supporting the Broxhead Commoners by sharing the court costs with them, had now ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 92 Another important point seems to have been missed by HCC BROXHEAD COMMON - WHITEHILL AND HEADLEY NO.CL.147.pdf FINAL 1974 RIGHTS. In his lengthy Rights Decision, there ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 93 The Tithe Apportionment Act 1847, for Headley states, “there are no proprietors for Broxhead Common and it is used by sundry people” However, ownership of the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 94 1948. At the same time as G. A. McAndrew sold off the 15.9 acres of common land, he also sold the Headley Park mansion house and ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 95 By 1978 the legal proceedings induced by Mr Whitfield had rumbled on for 15 years. In the circumstances described, it is not therefore, unreasonable to wonder ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 96 Both Commoners and locals, were told by Hampshire County Council, that to save further expensive legal action they had come to a settlement with Mr Whitfield ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 97 We can only speculate as to the reasons for Hampshire County Council’s volte face, but whatever they were we can say that it was not a ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – Two notices advertising my claims for pockets of Broxhead Common. I did ask the Planning Inspectorate to move it closer to the claimed land because Winchester is 30 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 98 Absolutely no-one was happy with either the explanation or the settlement made between Hampshire County Council and Mr Whitfield because it flew in the face of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 99 Mrs Patricia Elphinstone Barnard, the widow of G. W. McAndrew had sold Headley Wood Farm in 1962 to Sefton Siegfried Myers. She had no pre-registration title ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 100 As you have seen there was total dissent from the local community for proposals to fence any part of Broxhead Common. But after all the fund ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 101 1980 minutes of Headley Parish Council show how John Ellis’s well-intentioned efforts with regard to re-establishing the many existing bridleways over Broxhead Common, fell into the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 102 It transpired that Hampshire County Council, despite HPC’s request for clarity, had already made an application for the diversions of BW4 and BW 46 in 1982 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 103 In June 1964 the Estate Manager for Headley Wood Farm wrote a letter to the Clerk of Headley Parish Council. In this he says he has ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 104 As any horse rider will confirm gates of any type are an unavoidable nuisance, simply because not only do they obstruct the way but because even ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 105 Common land is not usually fenced and should be open and accessible from all points of view. However, at the Picketts Hill end of BW54 the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 106 So, starting from where BW54 leaves the C102 opposite to the Trottsford FP and going towards Broxhead Common east, the first gate encountered, used to be ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 107 The path from here through the woods is reasonably wide and pleasant if a little worn in the middle. Until 2007 there was no dead hedging ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 108 The gates at the junction between the three bridleways numbered 54, 4, and 46, were both unnecessary and difficult. The large iron monster just sat there ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 109 About 50 yards further along from the ‘three ways’, where BW 4 forms a junction with BW47, there is another large field gate through which one ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 110 The workmen putting up the fence were of course just following orders, so I immediately wrote to the Senior Rights of way Officer in Hampshire County ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 111 I must admit that I was dismayed to find these alterations taking place without any consultation whatsoever. Any alteration to a definitive right of way must ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 112 My email of 10/11/07 brought a response from the HCC Countryside Department. I was told that any landowner can enclose a right of way providing the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 113 My email serving notice on them to remove the fencing brought forth a suggestion of a site visit. At last, I was able to explain the ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 114 Well, I suppose I had managed to get rid of the Terminator gate and the rails beside it, so at least one end of that section ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 115 It had always seemed strange to me that Hampshire County Council were leasing part of Broxhead Common. They had been sharing the legal costs 50/50 with ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 116 The objections to my claims for bridleways, made to ameliorate the loss of 23 tracks used by horse riders before the unlawful fencing obstructed most of ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 117 My quote from Christopher Rodgers book, ‘Contested Common Lands’, in the last episode needs to be remembered to see how some of our laws and EU ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 118 The third objector was of course Hampshire County Council in the form of its Regulatory Committee. However, when they made the decision to refuse my claim ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 119 21st December 2006 I receive a short email from the Leader, which says it is not possible for him to respond until after Christmas. 2006 Nov ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 120 I found the Leader’s response quite unacceptable simply because the Planning Inspector’s decision says riders already have rights under the terms of the lease, also HCC ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 121 Any of my readers who are familiar with the countryside in northeast Hampshire will know that it is traversed by numerous narrow winding country lanes. These ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 122 24th June 1996. A reply had come not from EHDC but Hampshire County Council. It said that “I note from your letter that you regard your ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 123 I had to wonder why it was proving so difficult to clear a couple of fallen trees across the path of an ancient highway which runs ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 124 2000. A new century was upon us. The internet was still there despite doomster predictions and a new Rights of Way Manager had materialised at Hampshire ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 125 So, that is how I had arrived at my claim for a bridleway between BW54 and Cradle Lane, which I had submitted on 9th October 2000 ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 126 16th September 2003, the application for a bridleway between Cradle Lane and BW54 was still languishing in the bottom of an in-tray somewhere in HCC when ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 127 On 12th February 2007, I sent my appeal to the Government Office for the Northeast (GONE) against HCC’s refusal for a bridleway between BW54 and Cradle ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 128 The Order for a bridleway link between Cradle Lane and BW54 on Broxhead Common meant that the dangerous bends on the C102 could now be avoided, ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 129 I tried once more to save the path for everyone by writing to the Access Team Leader of Hampshire County Council. On 1st July 2009, I ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 130 3rd April 2009, Hampshire County Council’s objection to the Secretary of State’s Order for a bridleway between BW54 to Cradle Lane would necessitate a full Public ...
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The Battle for Broxhead Common The Case for Hampshire County Council – PART 131 2nd July 2009, I am sent a copy of the Council’s statement of case and a list of supporting documents. 4th September 2009, proofs of evidence ...
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