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The Governement should sycamore rider-friendly policy !

Joint Links MP briefing CAP and EU budget

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Writes Bob Milton

Writes Bob Milton I read with interest your briefing paper on the CAP reforms and have the following comments

Even with 19% you still cannot meet your aims do you want it all?

You are spending vast sums of pillar II monies on statutory duty ie CAP is subsidising government in doing its duty

That duty has been misinterpreted such that s28G(1) has become the norm when S28G(2) applies eg in the case of the MoD and local councils. This has resulted in a fraud of millions of pounds against the EU in which your members are complicit.

Lawful public access is being denied, restricted or removed

Wildlife trusts have been claiming Single Farm payments [SPS] for land which they are but management contractors and not active farmers.

The use of HLS to enclose our commons and manorial waste for conservation grazing is a travesty and fraud based on biased and misinterpretation of unscientific data to which the planning inspectorate is complicit.

To read the Briefing Paper in full click

I pine for a more sensible approach to saving our forests

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