British Eventing

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Steve Yandall writes to Natural England

"I am sure you are aware that justice is limited by finance thus denying a large % of the British public the means to progress complaints through litigation.I have considered your recommendation re the police but,as the legal infringements are of a civil nature,they would not be resourced,or entitled,to intervene."

"This failure is,in effect,a sanctioning of alleged historic unlawfulness at the highest level and exhibits a faith in self policing which is unfounded"

Says Steve Yandall

Says Steve Yandall The public representatives,in this instance,Caroline Spelman,Richard Benyon and Jim Paice,are,to my dismay(especially in these 'straightened' times)showing no apparent interest in the accountability of a multi million pound QUANGO('s)for which they have responsibility and for which they act as a public interface.

This failure is,in effect,a sanctioning of alleged historic unlawfulness at the highest level and exhibits a faith in self policing which is unfounded.

Without legal accountability no guarantees exist regarding future legal compliance!Without legal compliance anarchy exists and without the fulfillment of commitments,made to me, Richard attempts to distance himself from the problems he was so keen to overcome following his Ministerial promotion.

My apologies to you for being placed between myself and Richard regarding a matter he instigated and which I am now finding extremely vexing.I was asked,personally,to keep him informed re NE's HEATH Project performance and he has never requested that I should stop!

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